CECs, top Ladakh leaders back Centre, Army; call for decisive action

Cong Councilor booked for mocking Army, leadership
Demarcate LAC once and for all to settle issue

Sanjeev Pargal

JAMMU, June 19: A Congress Councilor in Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC) Kargil was today booked by police and expelled by the Congress for his highly derogatory remarks mocking the Indian Army, the country’s leadership and eulogizing the Chinese troops in the standoff at Eastern Ladakh even as top leaders of the Union Territory of Ladakh, cutting across their political affiliations, called upon the Central Government to settle the issue with China “once and for all” by demarcating the Line of Actual Control (LAC) so that the people can live in peace.

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Top leadership of Ladakh including both Chief Executive Councilors (CECs)-cum-Chairpersons of LAHDC Leh and Kargil Gyal P Wangyal and Feroz Khan said entire population of the Union Territory has been patriotic and stand always fully behind the Army in protecting sovereignty of the country but wants that India must settle the issue with China “in whatever way the Government wants” so that the issue of regular incursions ends.
As the audio of Congress Councilor from Shakar constituency in Kargil district, Zakir Hussain talking to one Kashmir based leader on telephone went viral last evening, police lodged FIR No. 34/2020 against him under Sections 124-A, 153-A, 153-B, 505 and 188 IPC at police station Kargil and launched a hunt to nab him.
Zakir, who is former Executive Councilor, presently sitting Councilor from Shakar and spokesperson of the Congress for Ladakh UT, is heard using highly derogatory language against the Indian leadership including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and mocking the Indian Army in its standoff with China at Eastern Ladakh.
In 6.38 minutes audio with an unknown person who is believed to be a politician from Kashmir, the Congress Councilor could be heard eulogizing the Chinese troops and hoping for breaking the newly created Union Territory of Ladakh. The other person in audio is also taking potshots at National Conference leader and former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah saying he is sitting at his residence and might have connived with the BJP.
During the conversation, the two leaders are also making fun of former Minister and Congress president for the Union Territory of Ladakh, Rigzin Jora.
Protests broke out in Leh against the Congress Councilor with BJP workers hitting the street demanding his arrest.
A statement released by Kargil police this evening said the contents of conversation between the Councilor and his known person is prejudicial to the regional/religious peace and tranquility, spread rumours and also seditious in nature.
However, the Councilor hasn’t been arrested so far as he has gone underground and has also switched off his mobile telephone but police sources expressed confidence that he will be nabbed soon.
Meanwhile, UT Ladakh Congress president Rigzin Jora has expelled the Councilor from the party.
On current scenario in Eastern Ladakh, CEC LAHDC Leh Gyal P Wangyal said he has deputed Executive Councilor Kunchok Stanzin to Durbuk and Nyoma sub divisions where communication channels have been cut off due to security reasons for on spot assessment of the situation. Durbuk and Nyoma are last populated divisions in Ladakh which also comprised last Indian village Shyok from where Galwan valley, the point of standoff between India and China, is about 125 kilometers.
“The district administration of Leh is in touch with Sub Divisional Magistrates (SDMs) of Durbuk and Nyoma and there is no cause of alarm,” Wangyal, who belongs to BJP, said.
He said sedition case should be registered against the Congress Councilor and the Chairman LAHDC Kargil should disqualify him from the membership.
CEC-cum-Chairman LAHDC Kargil Feroz Khan said entire civilian population of the district stand with the Army in its fight with China in Eastern Ladakh.
“Whether the issue has to be resolved diplomatically or otherwise, the Government should take final call and make the LAC between India and China permanent so that infrastructure can be build on our side,” Khan, who represents National Conference, said and described remarks of the Congress Councilor as “unfortunate and condemnable”.
He said none can question patriotism of the people of Kargil who fully stood by the Army during 1999 war against Pakistan fought in the hills of the district.
PT Kunzong, president Ladakh Buddhist Association (LBA) said China has always taken advantage of no demarcation of the LAC by intruding and then claiming that land belongs to them.
“India should now take effective steps as the heights Chinese Army is trying to capture are very crucial from strategic point of view,” Kunzong said, adding the LAC should be finally demarcated to settle the issue between two neighbours.
Rigzin Spalbar, a prominent Congress leader asserted that situation is very critical in Eastern Ladakh and all three places which the Chinese troops want to capture are very significant from strategic view point and India must not allow this to happen.