Inner Voice



All know death spares none,
Its battle no one ever won;
Yet so scaring it is now,
All thinking to survive, but how;
None dares to move out,
If anyone goes out others shout;
Today, on this earth, to stay safe
must to quartine,
Such situation no one has ever seen.
Yet there are corona warriors who go out,
Undeterred, for their duty they are going about’
Death looms large, yet they fear not,
Devotion towards duty they have got
No bullets flying yet thousands dying,
No funerals, dear ones at home crying;
Corona warriors fighting battles for all,
Always ready to answer every distressed call.
To thank corona warriors let us all join hands,
In their support we all must stand;
Their families we must take care,
Whatever we can with them we must share;
Saywe love you corona warriors,
Saywe respect and honor you corona warriors;
Saywe pray for your health and safety corona warriors,
Say indebted, heartfelt gratitude, and grateful to you we are corona warriors.
Kulbhushan Gupta




There is a place were I go that no one else knowns
I sleep in the clouds, dream in the sky
Where mysteries abound and excitement grows,
A place out of the reach of any man’s hand ;
Where I keep my secrets, my fears and my regrets,
Away from the world and all of its threats
It’s mine and mine alone ;
Beyond the world that we live in,
Under the skies of shining stars
Away from the lights and noisy scars,
Above the stress and egos
Beyond the world we made a mess
Try not to be sad when it ends ,
A happy thought no one can take it
A time like this is when we make it ,
A time like this when we see it happen…..
Komal Muskan Pandita



To all the people I have ever known
You claim to know me an I claim to know you
Wearing masks of different sizes and shapes
You claim to know me and I claim to know you
Do you know what makes me numb or do I know what hurts you?
What matters you the most and what means world to me?
Yet you claim to know me an I claim to know you
What were our dreams and how those dreams were ruined?
Neither I could perceive nor you could conceive
Yet you claim to know me and I claim to know you
What I see in you is illusion
What you see in me is delusion
Our actions are controlled by this confusion
And yet you claim to know me and I claim to know you
The pain, the suffering, the thorn on our paths
And how we used the imaginary chart
To embark on a journey towards a perilious task
Neither you can understand nor I can comprehend
Yet you claim to know me and I claim to know you
How insomniac I feel and how unsettled your thoughts seem to be
When darkness engulfs the walls
And silence screams so loud
Yet you claim to know me and I claim to know you
My truth emerges in the depth of dark shroud
Your truth appears when moon appears among the stars
And we pretend to talk truth all day long
Do you still claim to know me or should I still claim to know you?