The Science of fitness

Puran Sharma
The world is all set to celebrate the 6th International Yoga Day on 21.6.2020. IYD Resolution of UN assembly was adopted in Dec.2014 with a record number of 177 co- sponsoring member states establishing Internatonal Yoga Day for observance on 21st June every year. Top Indian leadership played a decisive role in finalizing this historic event. By virtue of this recognition and acceptance, the whole world had an insight into our rich cultural and Yogic heritage. At this critical point of time when all the humans across the globe are grappling with COVID-19 it has been decided to celebrate International Yoga Day this year by way of on line programmes instead of conducting yoga assemblies in open spaces.
It is a good thinking on part of the Govt to take all due precautions and preventive measures in this period of crisis. By and large people are gaining awareness about the efficacy and significance of Yoga which is perfect science of Body, mind and soul. Observance of International Yoga Day on annual basis unquestioningly generates more and more awareness in the minds of people as a result of which huge number of common as well as high profile folks are adopting yoga as a way of life. Let us discuss the subject for the sake of first hand knowledge, proper comprehension and also adopting it as top most priority of our daily routine.
Ashtang Yog
This natural system of Health care was brought into existence for holistic benefit of entire humanity by great sage Patanjali. As per Maharishi Patanjali Yog Sootar, it has eight dimensions which we need to understand and follow religiously.
Yam:- It is a kind of social code of conduct which illustrates our duties and responsibilities towards all others living in the society with us. Yam are five. a. Ahimsa (Non violence) b. Satya (Truthfulness) c. Asatya (Non Theft) d. Braham Charya (control over sense organs and mind e. Aparigraha (Not to accumulate worldly possessions beyond our actual need). These are required to be followed by mind, words and actions as well.
Niyam- It is personal code of conduct and are 5 in number. a. Shough ( cleaniness) includes physical, mental and spiritual cleaniness b. Santosh (contentment):- To stay contended with what we have earned in consequence of our hard work. It is to be religiously practised by mind, words and actions. c. Tapa (penance):- strenuous hard work, unflinching devotion and commitment for service of society. d. Swadhaya (study of good, positive literature inclusive of self study and self understanding). e. Ishwar Pranidhan :- It is a physical, mental and spiritual surrender to Almighty. There is absence of ego of being the doer.
Asan:- Yog asans are physical postures which generate flexibility as well as activate the energy lying in dormant state in the physical body and also tone up all vital systems to enable them to function in tandem to ensure holistic health.
Pranayam:- Pran is inherent vital force of AIR and Pranayam (systematic breathing by way of inhalation, exhalation) is the process, a system or technique to control, regulate and expand the Pramshakti to every cell of the body. This is healing energy which eliminates the deep rooted stress and also harmonizes the mind as well, which is otherwise responsible for excessively consuming our vital energy, thus making us vulnerable to viral infections and diseases.
Pratyaha- By pursuing the practice of Pratyahar we learn to discipline our sense organs and ultimately succeed in internalising our energy, emotions and the whole thought process. This is in fact withdrawal of sense organs from the worldly objects. This is a kind of bridge to enter into the higher consciousness.
Dharna:- This is the process of gaining more and more concentration and make the wandering mind pin pointed by virtue of prolonged and sustained practice.
Dhyan (Meditation):- When the Yog practitioner attains perfection in Dharna then he moves into Dhyan which is a state when his turbulent mind and the flow of thoughts becomes slower and slower culminating into a natural state of internalization. There are number of techniques of Meditation and all are scientific.
Samadhi:- This is the ultimate goal of Yog Sadhak when he connects with Higher consciousness and obtains blissfulness. Samadhi is the matured and perfect state of meditation when the devotee gets settled in his original divine nature of Paramanand.
Immune System
In the current times largely the focus is on practice of Yog Asans, Pranayam and Meditation for the purpose of quick results in body and mental ailments as their regular and sustained practice rapidly tones up the Immune System.
It comprises special type of cells, Protein tissues and organs which keep on defending us from countless harmful bacterial and viral infections round the clock. Let us briefly and precisely comprehend the significance and functioning of our Immune System:- 1. White blood cells are the most important constituent of our Immune system. At one point of time there can be 7000 to 25000 white blood cells in one drop of blood. In the event of some kind of viral infection or disease entering into the body the number of WBC gets enhanced to fight the intruding enemy but not beyond 50000. Apart from WBC our blood consists of Red Blood Cells, Plasma and Platelets, RBC help in carrying oxygen, mineral salts and vitamins to every cell, tissue of the body and eliminating foreign material, carbon dioxide and harmful gases from the body. Plasma is present in the body in liquid form and contains Sodium. Plasma is also the medium of transporting the RBC,WBC, and Platelets. It also carries out the internal cleansing of the body. Platelets render help in the process of coagulation of blood. They prepare and preserve anti bodies for any internal and external emergency or invasion. Therefore, we must religiously practise at least Yog Asan Prramayam and Meditation to keep our Immune System intact for all time physical, mental and spiritual health.
While concluding the write up I take this opportunity to mention Bhartiya Yog Sansthan, a pan India organization engaged in doing yeoman’s service in the field of Yog. They are rendering this selfless service free of charges and conducting more than 4000 classes across the country and 120 classes in J&K UT. Sansthan has been conducting regular training camps for students, teachers, police and army jawans free of charges.
(The author is Vice President, Bhartiya Yog Sansthan, J&K UT)