BJP is steadfast, NC begins to daydream: Brig Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 20: Commenting on the National Conference’s (NC) demand of restoration of Article 370 and contention that “Revocation of 5th August 2019 decisions and unconditional dialogue with all the stakeholders is pivotal to the lasting peace and prosperity in the region,” Brigadier (retd) Anil Gupta, spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) advised the NC to stop crying over the split milk since the decision taken on August 5 is not only irreversible but irrevocable as well.
Brig Gupta questioned the NC, “What did the talks yield in the last 35 years when Art 370 was operative? In fact, they only promoted terrorism and intensified separatism and secession.” Brig Gupta reminded the NC that their criteria and selection of stakeholders is not acceptable to the people who consider the people of Jammu, Kashmir and the minority Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs who were hounded out of their homeland under your watchful eye as the genuine stake holders.
Brig Gupta said that there is no shift in the stand of BJP as the NC leadership is misconstruing the statements of its two top leaders. BJP always wanted peace with its neighbours but is steadfast in its resolve that any nation which dares to challenge our sovereignty would not be spared. This is exactly what has been stated by the BJP leaders and any other interpretation is to suit the NC’s own convenience. Since, NC is becoming irrelevant by the day and Dr Farooq Abdullah is peeved for not being invited to the All Party meet, the NC leadership has decided to play the old card of soft separatism by demanding restoration of Article 370. This may be the demand of NC but not the vast majority of the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. The people are heaving a sigh of relief after being burdened with the dynastic misrule for many decades.
In fact NC should now apologise from the people of the J&K for conspiring with Pandit Nehru by sending the legal ruler of J&K Maharaja Hari Singh in exile on June, 20, 1949. This act of The Sheikh brought an end to the secular status of the State by imposing on it one party rule, the party which had sowed the seed of communalism in July 1931. Brig Gupta further said that in order to safeguard his rule and promote Kashmiri dominance, Sheikh further forced Nehru to include Article 370 in the Constitution of India, which benefitted only a few families and the masses were neglected.