Transport Deptt imparts free driving training to girls

Excelsior Correspondent

UDHAMPUR, June 22: Under Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) campaign and “Girls can Drive” programme, Transport Department has imparted free driving training to girls and has also taken series of other steps to facilitate the commuters in the district.
Under ‘Girls can Drive’ program girls of far flung areas, who are forced to give up studies due to lack of resources to connect to their education place, were given free of cost training in driving institutes to imbibe a sense of independence and empowerment among them.
The girls who were trained developed confidence and started to drive their own vehicles to reach to their respective educational institutions and joined their studies again and continued it for their betterment, empowerment and independence.
Selfies with best drivers launched by ARTO Office Udhampur is another unique initiative to encourage best driving habits among the transporters. The selfie is clicked with the efficient public transport drivers and is posted on the “Wall of Fame” created in ARTO Office Udhampur.
To meet the demand of increased commuters with the construction of new roads, 350 route permits were issued by Road Transport Authority Udhampur under the chairmanship of DDC Udhampur Dr Piyush Singla and many vehicles started on hungry routes during last year.