Senior Citizens Act in J&K

In order to live a dignified life in old age, the Government of India came out with National Policy for older persons in 1999. The Bill states that adult children and grand children who are earning members are required to maintain  and take care of their parents. An important feature of the proposed bill is that it would provide protection not just to parents who are at the age of 60 yrs but also to every parents who is need of care. The Bill proposes to set up Tribunals in every district where aggrieved parents may file their complaints for being neglected.
The  Bill has started yielding results for the benefit of senior citizens. In this regard, we request the Minister for Social Welfare J&K State Skina Itoo to implement the Senior Citizens Act in J&K State too. It will be a great service to this community who have to go through lot of travils at this point of life.
Yours etc….
R.L Parihar
Senior Citizen Council