Zangtrai celebrated with fervour, enthusiasm

Swami Kumar Ji felicitating a woman at Zangtrai function at Roop Nagar on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 13: Zangtrai the ladies festival falling on third  day of Navratra was celebrated with fervour and gaiety today.
A grand function was organized by ASKPC at Roop Nagar today in connection with celebration of Zangtrai. On the occasion,  Dulari Bhan was the chief guest while Swami Kumar Ji was the guest of honour. The function was presided over by H L Chatta president of the ASKPC.
Swami Kumar Ji while highlighting the significance of the day said that as a tradition on this day women folk goes to their parental house to seek blessings and also token of gifts.
H L Chatta said ASKPC being parental organization in exile took responsibility to celebrate the festival to entertain the ladies and give them the affection and love of their parents and brothers.
Terming women as Matra Shakti, R K Raina vice president ASKPC said in this period of turmoil when community is leading an exiled life extra responsibility lies on the shoulders of women.
Veena Gurtoo, president Women Wing urged the women to fight for their rights, seek employment for women and 33 percent reservation for them in corporate houses and legislature. A cultural programme was also held by Puran Thusso and Party.
Zangtrai was also celebrated with religious fervour and gaiety at KP Sabha here today. A large number of Pandit ladies from all age groups attended the function.
President of the Sabha, K K Khosa along with his executive members were also present on the occasion.
The audience was thrilled by melodious voice of Papu Raj and Party. All ladies joined the chorus and enjoyed the devotional songs. Khemlata Wakhloo chairperson Social Welfare Board was the chief guest on the occasion.
K K Khosa explained the role being played by the Sabha for welfare of the community.
Earlier, Dr Usha Tickoo, convener Women Cell of the Sabha exhorted the women to play a lead role in the affairs of the community. H N Tickoo, chairman Sanaskar spoke about the importance of moral education.
Thousands of ladies participated in the auspicious function of Zangtrai celebrated at Bhagavaan Gopinathji Ashram, Udaywala Bohri today. On the occasion Kusum Pandit Sub Judge was the chief guest. The function started with garlanding of the photograph of Bhagavaanji by the devotees.
Naina Saproo, Ravi Bhan, Deeplai Wattal, Sunital Hakim, Aarti Razdhan and Shubra Tikoo well known singers presented devotional music on the occasion.
Prof O N Chrungoo a well known scholar spoke about the relevance of Zangtrai.