Neetu Andotra is Registrar JU, Padha DAA

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 30: In a minor reshuffle at top level, Jammu University today appointed Prof Neetu Andotra as the Registrar and Prof Naresh Padha as Dean Academic Affairs.
The outgoing Registrar, Prof Rajni Dhingra, has been appointed as Dean Research Studies, in place in Prof Naresh Padha.
The reshuffle was necessitated in wake of completion of the fixed tenure of Prof Keshav Sharma as Dean Academic Affairs.
Prof Neetu Andotra – a Professor of Commerce, is presently heading the ICccR & HRM as Director. She replaced Prof Rajni Dhingra, who has been once again appointed as Dean Research Studies replacing Prof Naresh Padha, who is now Dean Academic Affairs.