Old TRT at Purkhoo plunges into darkness

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 1: The inmates of old TRT quarters at Purkhoo are facing total blackout due to the breakdown of transformer in the area some days back.
The residents of the camp in an appeal to Chief Engineer M&RE through social activist Prof Ramesh Bhat have demanded immediate restoration of power supply in the camp where about 100 poor migrant families totally dependent on cash doles from Government.
Dr Ramesh, while highlighting the issue of these hapless people said it is shocking to see the condition of infants in the camp which is without power supply for last some days. He said the camp inmates are also facing acute water scarcity and insanitation problem as there is no proper arrangement of toilets in the camp. He said with the increasing insanitation there is every apprehension of spread of epidemic and the authorities should take immediate measures to save the 100 poor families putting up there.
He also made an appeal to Government demanding construction of some quarters for accommodation of these migrants as the ORTs are in dilapidated condition. He said though the State Government had framed a plan of renovating these quarters some time back and the proposal was also submitted to Union Government but no headway has been made in this regard till date.