NEW DELHI, May 18: It took a Lok Sabha question for the Government to wake up to the problem of multiple registration by doctors in the Medical Council of India (MCI) registry.
Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad admitted in the House that while perusing the MCI registry it was found that some doctors were registered in three states and there was no record to show whether the medical practitioners had retired or were actually practising.
“Even the figure of 8.4 lakh registered medical practitioners that I have said in the written reply will have to be revised,” he said during Question Hour.
Azad said these shortcomings were noticed during a meeting with MCI officials do discuss the question asked by member Darshana Jardosh (BJP).
“The MCI has now decided to maintain a live registry wherein one person will not be able to register twice,” he said adding that efforts were being made to identify active medical practitioners.
Currently, Azad said, there was no record of active medical practitioners as there was no provision to check whether a doctor had retired or settled abroad.
The minister said as per information available in the Annual Report of the Medical Council of India for 2010-11, the total number of registered medical practitioners in the country was 8,40,130 as on March 31, 2011.
The Indian Medical Register maintained by the MCI is revised from time to time on the basis of information received from the State Medical Councils, Azad said. (PTI)