
Wednesday 08-2020

Aries : High hopes and expectations are a good thing as long as they can push you to give your best. You will plan with care and perform admirably. But you may be focused on impressing a member of the opposite sex! Don’t get carried away, says Ganesha, especially while taking decisions.

Taurus : Stress might take its toll on you today. Ganesha foresees a demanding and difficult day. There may be a need for solitude to spend time with yourself. In relationships, you will look for a common ground to live and let live, says Ganesha.

Gemini : Today, resolving issues will be a tough task, but you will be able to accomplish it nonetheless. It may take time, but don’t lose hope. Persistence and hard work will be rewarding. The grind will increase your understanding of the things happening around you. You will be able to understand those around you better. You may also take your sweetheart on a shopping spree.

Cancer : Today, in all likelihood, is going to be a challenging and complicated day for you, says Ganesha. You are likely to be a little short on confidence; either that, or you may be feeling a little subdued. You may not be as assertive as required on certain issues. On the personal front, you may spend a lot of time reflecting upon the ways of finding happiness in your relationships.

Leo : Today, you are defined by high hopes and expectations. It makes you incredibly calculative, and you weigh all pros and cons before taking any decision regarding work. The upshot of this is that your performance in financial transactions will be phenomenal. After all, money always increases one’s fascination and appeal, particularly in the eyes of the opposite sex, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Settling and resolving issues will be a long-drawn process today, says Ganesha. However, keep at it because the results will be well worth the efforts you put into it. You will feel more capable to look at things from others’ perspective today. Loosen your grip on your wallet, as you may end up taking your sweetheart on a shopping spree.

Libra : Ganesha foresees that today you will chart out your future course of action, so that any steps you take from thereon leads only to success. Sudden and unexpected profits are also on the cards as on the professional front, increased reputation and rewards knock on your door.

Scorpio : Today will consist of varying highs and lows at work and in confrontations, predicts Ganesha. At work, you may end up quarrelling with your peers. You will be reasonable in your views and still you will find yourself on the receiving side of the argument. Evening will compensate for the tough day as you kick back and relax in the company of loved ones.

Sagittarius : The fountain of creativity will be gushing within you today. You may strive to take on new challenges later in the day. Workplace may offer economic gains later in the evening. But do not neglect your health, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : Power is a privilege of a few. It’s a day for those of you in power, of governance and the national purse, says Ganesha. A marvellous day awaits all civil servants and government employees. The dealings you will undertake will materialise and earn you distinction; rewards for the commendable efforts you have put in the past may also come. Professionals, on the other hand, will gain the trust of their bosses and the latter is likely to discuss certain controversial issues with you.

Aquarius : You may not want to, but you have to pay the bills! Okay, so you can’t even remember what you bought, and are cursing the loony credit cards. However, this may persuade you to be a bit more organised. There is no harm in taking ideas from others, suggests Ganesha.

Pisces : Keeping a tab on your expenses ought to be a priority today. Learning to distinguish between your needs and your wants will be vital if you wish to avoid unnecessary extravagances, which you will invariably end up regretting later, says Ganesha.