A Bold Venture

Name of booklet : Dogri Anusandhan
Author & Publisher : Dr. Sunita Bhadwal
A booklet, devoted to depict and project the research being undertaken in Dogri language, is being edited and published by Dr. Sunita Bhadwal.
Brought out for the last five or six years, this half-yearly publication is a unique vehicle devoted to the cause of promotion of the Dogri. Dr. Sunita Bhadwal is committed to the cause of her mother-tongue and this publication carries material by research scholars and eminent writers. It is a bold venture devoted to the Dogri language and literature.
The Dogri literature is making study progress and new books and research work is being done especially after the inclusion of Dogri in the Eight Schedule of the Indian Constitution.
The Dogri has to carry forward intense research work and make this language more vibrant and living language which can be made suitable to the modern means of communication. The print as well as the electronic media should help in projection and promotion of this sweet language. The lead taken by Dr. sunita Bhadwal must be carried forwards by others as well.
(Starline Syndicate Services)