A consonance under compulsion

All Party Meet
Satish Singh Manhas
The recent all party meet called by the Prime Minister at Delhi seems to accelerate the political process, albeit no elections in the UT for the time being. It was the first such historical meeting of any UT or state where all parties were invited for an open discussion to decide the future of the state/UT. Sab ka sath, sab ka vikas and sab ka vishwas proved to be the hallmark of this beginning as at least all parties participated. The PM showing his vision and lion’s heart once again gave an open invite as well as challenge to discuss any issue of your choice to all regional as well as national parties. First of its kind, agendaless meeting on papers and full of agenda on table where all the specific agenda with respect to UT of J&K was discussed. There seems a big secret and thread bare discussion behind its being agenda less. Had it not been like, some parties may have shown their reservation to participate in the meeting. It was a very clever move on the part of centre to at least have all parties face to face on the same table in which they fully succeeded. In other words placing no restriction on the subject clearly shows the vision and confidence of the PM in handling the affairs of the country.
Full attendance from all party signifies many things. One, that they are ready for talks. They have shunned the agenda of boycott and violence. They are open to discussion and seem sincere in the affairs of the state. They can’t remain out of power for so long and are feeling suffocated, so all parties in low or high tone showed consonance with the national leadership on many important and even controversial issues. They are also in race to showcase their sincerity to Delhi durbar and are in the mad race to cash first, come first, and get first. They don’t want to miss the offer. They have fully realized that, nothing is going to happen without the backing of Delhi. Mehbooba Mufti saying, will fight constitutionally is a big gesture although under compulsion may be she, as all sides seem closed for her and her party. 370 gone. Pakistan unable to take care of its own country. Hurriyat finished in valley.
Leaving behind the rhetoric’s like, “Koi Jhande Ko Kandha Dene Wala Nhi Nehe Ga”, “Jammu Kashmir kisi k baap ka thoda hai” simply shows that the kashmiri leadership have finally understood the reality that a common Kashmiri need development, he has nothing to do with politics, so let’s stop befooling in the name of now a history@370/35-A etc. Modi is providing the development be that through LG, Governor, advisors etc. but people may be happy even with that sort as well.
The state leadership especially opposition wisely realizing all this is good sign for the state political parties as well as general public. Moreover the rise of parties like Sajjad lones PC, permanent voice of Tarigami in his area, Prof. Bhim Singh, Altaf Bhukaris’s Apni party and cutting of UT of Ladakh has dashed the monopoly of single political party in the UT of JK. Be that NC or PDP. Thanks to Atal Bihari Vajpayee for helping Mufti Sayeed to raise PDP. This is called real politics, and visionary politics. Rise of Saajjad lones popularity is also another factor and compelled the NC and PDP to toe the PM’s line, although now they are flickering in their statements as they are usually habitual of “one statement in Delhi, another in Jammu and the final in Srinagar”. That is nothing unusual from the kashmiri politicians. Their inherent trademark, and source of survival in kashmir.
Altaf Bhukari factor is a good beginning for the state politics as well as Delhi. Due to his rise many Kashmir based ideologically north south political parties having shown consonance on many issues. The likes of INC’s Gulam Nabi Azad etc expressing the same opinion on elections, delimitation and reversion back to formation of state are absolutely a positive sign. But what is the most striking feature of the meeting was the statement from Omar Abdullah, Mehbooba, Altaf, Sajjad, Farooq etc all signaling to not resort to any type of violence and adopting constitutional means to get the issues resolved shows there is a change of mindset and this is what Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji’s Insaniyat, Jamhooriyat and kashmiriyat was all about. So Kashmiri leadership, thanks! “Der Aye Darust Aye”. The nation first time saw a showcasing of Kashmiriyat, Insaniyat and Jamhooriyat from the kashmiri leaders who all talked in almost a similar tone to get the thing done through constitutional and peaceful means. Hats off to all! But Altaf Bhukari meeting second time in two days with Amit Shah may have given sleepless nights to the likes of Omar, Mehbooba etc. Chankya of BJP in action mode! Worth watching!
Now coming to Jammu, many people on social media are abuzz that Jammu is not represented properly, Jammu voice not heard, Jammu leaders did not get time. All illogical. Four powerful leaders from Jammu in Dr Jatindra Singh, a part of Govt, Dr Nirmal Singh and Sh Kavinder Gupta, Tara Chand all former Dy CM’s and G N Azad, Ravinder Raina, Bhim Singh, all were no less in any manner to Kashmir leaders. Jammu got due time for keeping its views, this is also for the first time Jammu saw an equal representation in any national political meeting. Thanks Modi ji’s sab ka sath, sab ka vikas aur sab ka vishwas. For Jammu people especially “Modi hai momkin hai”.
Now outcome of the meeting, whether statehood granted first or election held first will be looked into by the centre and Modi will not fault in any manner. But delimitation definitely is going to give justice to Jammu. It is going to get many more seats for west pak refugees and on the basis of population and area as well. So discrimination with Jammu will soon come to an end although through a process, political, economic, and developmental. But the bugle has sounded now!
Modi will definitely decrease the Dili Ki Doori with Dil Ki Doori. This has been said by Mehbooba Mufti when she was the coalition chief minister that, “Agar Koi Kashmir Ka Smadhan Nikal Sakhta Hai To Vo Modi Ji hein”. Dil ki doori is almost gone now after this meeting, because in politics there no permanent friends and permanent enemies. Next will be a fast paced delimitation, holding election and forming popular Government and if that popular government comes up to the expectations of Delhi, only than they can think of “STATEHOOD” or else anything which the centre feels will be better in national interest will be in practice in Jammu and Kashmir, be that a Lieutenant Governor, a Governor, a CM etc or any other option even presidents rule because Delhi is at least not going to take chance about any uprising for 370 etc. So
Dil Ki Doori, Delhi Ki Doori Ya Kashmir Ki Doori
Delhi Nhi Le Ge Koi Chance, Agar Khowaish Nhi Hue Poori
Fingers crossed!
Finally Omar Abdullah saying wont, participate personally but my party will, Mehbooba saying won’t be CM, till 370 is restored is a clever statement, all political stunts not to be taken seriously. Because after delimitation, Jammu’s political outnumbering, Altaf Bhukhari, Sajjas Lone factor, their victory is not for sure and talking about the CM’ship seems a forgone dream, a cruel joke now, but good political statement from both former CM’s. After all both come from hereditary political families.