A good initiative

This has reference to the newly introduced column ‘Village Weekly’ in Sunday Magazine of the Daily Excelisor.
The column will surely give readers a glimpse of the life pattern of rural people, and the problem they face on daily basis. The article, it is hoped, will draw attention of the Government agencies towards these problems and compel them to take initiatives, frame policies for the welfare of these people who usually are ignored while making polices and plans.
It may not be out of place to mention here that rural population constitutes almost 60 percent of the country’s population. These people, even after 65 years of population, have been deprived of basic amenities of life.
The healthcare system is in a shambles. The people here suffer on account of lack of road connectivity and communication. Education standard in schools is declining, and there are no avenues for unemployed youth. These are other issues as well need to be highlighted.
Yours etc…
Ramesh Mahajan