A historic moment

Our State comprises of three ethnically distinct regions Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. Perhaps the divine power manifesting itself in the form of all pervading super intelligent energy had willed that political masters hailing from three geographically defined regions should move closer to the point of convergence on the principle of tripartite political bonhomie. The electoral call was loud and clear but manmade barriers in the garb of regional prejudices, religious intolerance, mutual mistrust degenerating into untouchability, worldly ego and the top of all, the existential phobia. By any stretch of imagination, the forces that be do understand that autonomy, self rule, article   370, misplaced religious chauvinism have lost their sheen and have become grossly obsolete in the changed environment but they persist with these issues for their political survival. All these issues are superfluous but potent stumbling blocks which will never be converted into a solid instrument of governance.
Youth and the awakened people want development, positive governance, jobs, security and communal harmony. This is possible and practicable with neo pragmatism and dissolution of inbuilt barriers of ego and greed. Hackneyed policies and parochial approach shall have to be divorced. This is the golden historic moment which should not be squandered away. Public mandate though fractured on regional basis needs be translated into action with positive resolve sans cheap opportunism. State needs a responsive, accountable Government and not the Governors’ rule or another bout of wasteful extravagant polls. The saner elements in both PDP and BJP need to get the better of controversial issues, converge and focus on current challenges of making the state self sufficient in terms of infrastructural and economic development. Already inordinate delay in formation of Government has generated an intense feeling of discontent in the public. This is high time to stop the negative mind games as we have already lost a substantial measure of quality time in the context of governance.
Yours etc….
PC Sharma
Trikuta Nagar, Jammu