A meaningful celebration

Rajeshwar Singh ‘Raju’
“Hindi Sadhi Daadi Ae
Te Dogri Sadhi Maa,
Daadi Thar Daadi
Te Maa Thar Maa.”, says immensely popular Dogri poet Dinu Bhai Pant.
His verse had created magic at that time and time demands that the impact should have been even more in present times. But what is witnessed today is a matter of grave concern.
Honestly speaking, after the invasion of foreign languages like English predominantly, ‘Daadi’ and ‘Maa’ have been at mercy. It is not the case with our mother tongue Dogri only, but almost all the mother tongues have been suffering from the threat of extinction.
It is well known that language is an important part of society owing to the fact that it enables people to communicate with each other and express them. But mother tongue gives one a comfort that no language gives.
When Dogri was included in 8th Schedule after a long struggle, it was thought that now it will get a boost. The inhabitants of Duggar Pradesh, Dogras in particular will realize that Dogri is their mother tongue that should prosper after getting constitutional reorganization. In the same context different organizations working for language and traditions started celebrating Dogri Manyta Divas every year on December 22nd from 2003 onwards. Every year the day is celebrated with pomp and show. On this particular day everyone takes oath to work for survival of mother tongue. But what is the output needs a thought provoking debate on it.
Brij Mohan, a prominent poet and music composer while in conversation about the significance of celebrating Dogri Manyata Divas says that until mission behind such functions is realized, it is of no use. He is very much right with his words. Such celebrations should not be merely for fulfilling the belly of newspaper cuttings or coverage by electronic channels so that the news should reach to everyone that such organization has been at fore front in remembering such important days. Although, there is no dearth of organizations indulging in getting over each other in celebrations and overshadowing each others, the harsh reality remains that there are only a few that have been working at ground level with true spirit.
If we say mother tongue, then it sounds very emotional owing to a word_ ‘Mother’ attached to it. Then it is somewhat natural that one should have passion for it. Somewhat same was the opinion of Inderjeet Kesar, Sahitya Academy awardee and senior most Dogri writer. He says that serving mother tongue is not so difficult if we are honest towards self. When you say mother tongue then you have to have motherly treatment towards it. It’s another point that how mothers are treated in present era.
It’s a fact that there are writers preferring to write in mother tongue. The Book release functions prove it. But where are the readers? The inhabitants should have craze for books as is in case of Western countries. At the same time we should pay regards to our own writers also and come out of the impression that western writers are more capable. They have been able to have access to this corner of the world because they had the readers who helped them to reach here. You read your own writers and you will realize that they have all the potential to reach to other corners of world. For that respect towards mother tongue is a necessity.
It has to be realized that if language dies out then the civilization of that region will also die. Future generations lose a vital part of own culture. This makes language a vulnerable aspect of cultural heritage and it becomes essential to preserve it. Otherwise there will be identity crisis for inhabitants. After all mother tongue is the root of regional culture and traditions.
It is pertinent to mention here about a survey made in context of languages. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) from facts published in their “Atlas of Languages in Danger of Disappearing” says that there are an estimated 7,000 languages spoken worldwide today and half of the world’s population speaks the eight most common languages . More than 3,000 languages are reportedly spoken by fewer than ten thousand people each. Ethnolouge, a reference work published by SIL International has categorized the world’s known living languages and it estimates that 417 languages are on the verge of extinction, which is a sad note.
Now, there are so many reasons that lead to extinction of a language. One of the major reasons is lack of enthusiasm shown by parents in inspiring their kids to speak in mother tongue. Another factor is the surroundings of kids i.e. the atmosphere they get outside home. The fashion of having fluency in English is also fatal. The migration to another place is also a big factor.
When the mother tongue gets limited to elders only, then there are all apprehensions that it will get limited to the life cycle of elders only. The language has to move from generation to a generation which is possible only if mother loves to spread mother tongue to her children keeping in mind that she is the first tutor to her kid. Then comes the duty of father as well. The focal point should be that other language is acceptable but not at the stake of mother tongue.
On this auspicious occasion of ‘Dogri Manyta Divas’, it is mandatory to look for certain steps that may play pivotal role in safeguarding mother tongue. Different organizations should shun inter conflicts and come on same platform for welfare of one and all. Government Organizations like Sahitya Academy, Cultural Academy, Doordarshan, Radio, Song & Drama Division, Information Department should reach to remotest of areas thus offering the platforms to discarded talents. The officials of such organizations should realize the basic concept behind establishing these organizations that serving here is more than service. They are under an obligation to come out of mindset of being official and rather should be pro activists. Mother tongue should be so dear that even when migrated to other place for study or job etc even then the connection with roots should never be lost. In this technology dominated world with internet at disposal it is not a tough task.
Moreover, the efforts to save mother tongue should not be for show off only. There are those also who advocate for survival of language but at their own homes Dogri gets step motherly treatment. These masks have to be removed and the reins of organizations should be in the hands of honest parsons who may ensure the survival of Dogri in real terms. Otherwise such celebrations will get limited to yearly routine celebrations only.
One thing that should haunt every Dogra is that why one should feel shy or disgraced while communicating in Dogri? We should get rid of this self made shell and feel proud of our mother tongue that has rich cultural tradition.
At least a Dogra should talk to a Dogra in Dogri language.
Let ‘Dogri Manyta Divas’ be celebrated with a pious feel and honest approach so that the celebration becomes more meaningful.