A replica of Davos in Zojila


We know about a famous health resort, a place at once looking like in the lap of nature known as Davos in Switzerland. Apart from the strategic and expectedly an engineering marvel more than 14 km long tunnel in Zojila in Ladakh, we may find another thing of interest of a different nature ,a picturesque thing, a replica of Swiss Davos coming up there. A development worthy feeling delighted about. It is planned to make a history of sorts by turning the spot around Zojila tunnel in Ladakh and Z- Morh tunnel in Jammu and Kashmir, into a hill station even more beautiful and captivating than Davos . The potentiality of tourism can well be envisaged once the project fructifies into a reality about which the two Lieutenant Governors – of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh- are going to work out modalities etc very shortly. Both the UTs are going to be partners and stake-holders in the project of its unique utility. Once the identified patch becomes a hill city, the world class resort would definitely change for the better the dynamics of both the Union Territories. Even both the tunnels were going to induce tremendous economic activities in the region as also ensure all pronged progress and development. The station could be utilised for various activities including hosting important meets and events international significance.