A serious challenge

Prof Javed Mughal
India is a nation that taught the world how to live an intelligent life and how to respect and be respected. It was due to the extremely quick reflexes of Indians, their human understanding, deep thoughts, broad vision and a pious mission of getting across love and affection to the entire world of mankind. The great wisdom and intelligence of Swami Vivekananda displayed through his captivating speeches and sermons, the stenographic potentiality of Arbindo Gosh, the literary acumen of Rabindra Nath Tagore, the Diplomatic and statesman-like excellence of Nehru, the humanitarian outlook of Gandhi and national zeal and zest of Maulana Azad-all combined together make a proud history of our great nation. They were great because they were true to their conscience and character. To them hard-earned loaf of bread was more precious than any delicious food sans all sincere efforts.
That is why they were able to bless us with the country like India. Amidst all stuff and non-sense of the world of revolts and revolutions, and countless other troubles and turmoils, we are, still, safe on the soil of India. But being an Indian competent enough to realise the greatness of my nation, it pains my heart almost to death to come across some of my fellow Indians getting into certain practices that can do nothing but denigrate the image of this nation. How can the safety of the nation be expected from those who are sticking to the chairs either by the dint of tampering in their qualification testimonials or on the strength of fake certificates. This fake certificate-culture has almost gained the day and if a clandestine survey is conducted, an astonishing number of cases are sure to be detected. I would not hesitate even a bit to say that un-officially our authorities are fully aware of such black sheep in the system but they are silent either out of some fear (because those who can befool such a big system, can do anything else as well) or their lips have been locked with currency notes. Whatever is the reason, it hardly matters but the point is that our system, our society and our talent is being subjected to a very deplorable end. The govt. must take some strong measures to check the influx of people into various departments by the dint of fake qualifications. By exposing fake-degree holders who are enervating the very foundation of the system, we can, at least, restore its prestige and dignity and bring the whole nation to her basic ethic. It is time to leave behind the culture of lies and wrongdoings that we have banked on for so long. If we can at least emancipate the system from the grip of such ugly faces, we will do to ourselves a good turn. The educational institutions across Jammu and Kashmir and in some other states of India that issue the fake diplomas and degrees are, at all levels, themselves complicit with the degree smugglers and such institutions need to introspect and clean up their style of working as well. It is a marvelous job done by our intelligence departments like CBI, State Vigilance Organization, Crime Branch and Other agencies, to track down the faces who want to continue sticking to their lucrative departments by enhancing Retirement Age with tampering in D.o.B certificates or a plethora of others who, at the cost of the most deserving and intelligent youths, are entering into the jobs with the help of forged and fake testimonials. Same souls spread corruption and ultimately pose a threat to the efficient working of our system. The certificates possessed by our young boys and girls without appearing for exams issued by Education Boards of UP, MP, and some Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad operating in Uttar Pradesh and even National Open Schools as well as Global State Open University, Gachi Ram University, Bharathyar University, Gandhi Vidhya Peeth and a bunch of other institutions across the country are very common in our state of Jammu and Kashmir. One can have a bachelor degree just for Rs 35-50 thousand and for Rs 50-70 thousand rupees, a master degree can be one’s potent qualification. Even M. Phils and Ph. Ds can very easily be attained with a couple of thousand rupees. This culture has to be stopped on drop of the hat otherwise our nation will entirely stand totally on the fragile foundations. No evil, foible and no corruption can damage a nation as much as the fake qualifications can do. Instead of concentrating on the flimsy issues of reservations and so on, our Governments should concentrate on the quality education and must ensure that the genuine and deserving lot is entering into the educational  arena of the country because by doing so many cracks and crevices in the system can be repaired. The openly moving Dons, who are managing such fraud qualifications to our youths especially in Jammu and Kashmir, must be ensnared and refrained from doing an irreparable loss to the society injecting poison into the blood of our growing generation. In almost every nook and corner of J&K, we have study Centers operating under various University and Board captions  running open market of selling and purchasing fake qualifications leaving and actually sucking the blood of our nation. The Government, with the help of our vigilance and crime branch departments, should spot out all such Study Centers and verify their credentials and the ones found illegal should be interrogated to find as to how many ill-fated youths they have dodged with the sugar-coated pills of illegal documents. This way we shall be able to track down the faces that are on the jobs without any legal right to be there and should be replaced by the deserving ones since our society has no dearth of talent and potential. If we are lagging in any field i.e. the fair and square implementation of Govt. policies. The Government will have to do something in this respect. Instead of honoring and awarding the honest functionaries (who are paid for their honesty from the Govt. exchequer), we must plan to punish the dishonest and criminal components of our country and the state of Jammu and Kashmir in particular. Let’s save our talent and potential, waiting for being responded to by the system in a just manner, from turning into frustration among youths. We have ample of efficiency lying unnoticed around us but we have never bothered to search it; we have a lot of dedication pulsating  in the very system but we could not recognize it; and we have countless souls who can sacrifice for the noble cause but seldom tried to find it. Now is the time to save the genuine to save the society.