A societal issue

Refer article, ‘Where are J&K’s eligible bachelors’ DE April 18.
The author has touched an article of great social importance. It seems this is for the first time an issue of such nature has come into focus, and should be taken into consideration for the welfare of society.
One of the reasons for delay in marriage in unemployment among both females and males of marriage ableage. Today, everybody want to be financially secure before getting married. Both the partners want to be financially independent. Both the partners want to be financially independent. That times it also happens that a girl having high qualification does not get a suitable boy. By the time, she gets it is very late. The late marriage  has its own repurcssions on the health of women.
To arrest this trend of late marriage, it is necessary that social reforms are initiated at societal level. The Government can not do much in it. Whether the Guest Control Order issued by the Government will succeed in achieving the objective or not only time will tell ?
Yours etc…
Vijay Kumar