A theatrical wonder

Aarushi Thakur
History has never witnessed a the atrical presentation on the legend of Mata Vaishno Devi. Natrang- the professional theatre institution of the state of Jammu & Kashmir took this challenge of creating this theatrical wonder covering the entire episode of Mata Vaishno Devi in one hour with the help of seventy accomplished performers and creative people.
Globally known as theatre personality, Padamshree Balwant Thakur Balwant Thakur conceptualised, scripted, devised and directed this out of the world performance which is currently featuring in Navratra Festival-2017 organised by J&K Tourism in association with Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, Katra. Fifteen opening shows of this mega theatre show are being organised which offer a life-time opportunity for the spectators to witness spectacular visual imagery created magically on bare stage by the sheer imagination of innovative mind of its director Balwant Thakur. His brilliant team include Neeraj Kant, Anil Tickoo, Sumeet Sharma, Surinder Manhas, Rakesh Kona, Virji Sumbli, Rahul Singh, Mohd Yaseen, and Shivam Singh. These shows will continue every day 3 pm and 6 pm at the Auditorium of Spiritual Growth Centre, Katra till 29th of September, 2017.
The story as being shown by Natrang about Mata Vaishno Devi is a classic narrative that echoes every Hindu household and is a part of every grandma’s midnight tale. As per the legend, during the period when the Goddess was busy in annihilating the Asuras, Her three main manifestations viz. Mata Maha Kali, Mata Maha Lakshmi and Mata Maha Saraswati got together one day and pooled their collective Tejas or spiritual strength. A stunningly bright light emanated from the place where the Tejas of the three manifestations coalesced and a beautiful young girl emerged out of this Tejas. The young girl asked them, “Why have I been created?” The Devis explained to her that they had created her so that she would live on earth and spend her time in upholding righteousness. They asked her to take human birth in the home of Ratnakar, who was a devotee of three Goddesses, and then go on to lead a life of piousness and penance, so as to raise her own consciousness to the level of Godhead. They also told her that once she had attained that level of consciousness, she would then become one with Lord Vishnu. Soon a young and beautiful girl was born to Ratnakar and his wife. They named her Vaishnavi. Right from her childhood, the girl was spiritually inclined and had a quest for the knowledge of the inner self. She would go into deep meditation and stay in that state for hours together. She then decided to renounce all worldly comforts and travel deep into the forest to perform severe austerities and penance. This is when she met Lord Rama, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and attained his blessings. She wanted to become one with Rama, as was her mission. However, Rama, knowing that it was not the right time, promised her that he would visit her again, after the end of his exile. He told her that if she recognized him at that time, he would then fulfill her wish. Rama kept his promise, and came to meet her after winning the battle from Ravana in an old man’s disguise. But unfortunately, Vaishnavi could not recognise him. She became upset when Rama showed his true self to her. Rama told her that the time had yet not come for them to be with one another and assured her that they would unite during Kaliyug, when he would be in his incarnation of Kalki. Rama also asked her to set up her ashram in the foot of the Trikuta Hills and serve to uplift the poor and the destitute.
She agreed and started her journey towards the northern mountains. After immense hardships and her dedication, she reached the foot of Trikuta hills where she set up her ashram and began to meditate.
Her name and glory spread far and wide, and people began to visit to her Ashram to seek her blessings. On hearing about Vaishnavi, Mahayogi Guru Goraksh Nath became curious to find out whether Vaishnavi has been able to attain a high level of spirituality or not. He, therefore, sent his most able disciple ‘Bhairon Nath’ to observe her secretly and find the truth. What Bharion Nath saw was a simple girl who always had bows and arrows with her and was always surrounded by langoors and a lion for her protection. Bharion Nath was smitten by her simplicity and beauty. He then began to pester her to marry him. Meanwhile Sridhar, a devotee of Vaishnavi organised a Bhandara in which the whole village and Mahayogi Guru Goraksh Nath along with all his followers including Bhairon were invited. Sridhar had not enough resourses to buy food grains and vegetables to make food for the people of the entire village. He prayed to Mata Vaishnavi to help him out in this situation. Mata Vaishnavi could not see her devotee in pain, so she disguised as a young girl and came to Sridhar’s house with prepared food according to everybody’s liking. Bhairon Nath suspected the young girl to be Vaishnavi, so attempted to grab Vaishnavi’s hand but she fled away into the mountains to continue her meditation. Bhairon Nath however chased her.
On her way, Mata Vaishnavi stopped at a place where there was no water. She struck an arrow on the ground and from there water started gushing out. This place is now called Banganga. It is also known as Balganga because she washed her hair from the same gushing water. After a while she again stopped at a place now known as Charan Paduka, to look back if Bhairon Nath was still following her. At last she stopped at place now called Adhkwari where she meditated for nine months in a womb shaped cave, Garbh Gufa. Bhairon Nath followed her to the cave. She created a secret exit on the other end from where she started ascending uphill towards the holy cave.
As Bhairon Nath continued to chase her, Mata Vaishnavi was left with no other option but to kill him. Mata Vaishnavi ultimately beheaded Bhairon with her bow and arrow just outside the mouth of the holy cave. The head of Bhairon fell with a force at a distant hilltop. Bhairon Nath upon death realised his mistake and asked for forgiveness. Mata Vaishnavi had mercy on him and gave him a boon that every devotee of the goddess would have to have the Darshan of Bhairon after having the Darshan of the Goddess and only then would the yatra of a devotee be complete. Meanwhile, she also decided to give up her human form and take a face of a rock to go into deep meditation forever.
Today Mata Vaishno Devi is worshiped by millions and trillions of people across the world. Mata Vaishno Devi has surfaced as an embodiment of will, strength and peace. In the present times, when the atrocities against the mankind is prevailing, the legend of Mata Vaishnodevi gives a guiding light to her followers to help her devotees to uphold inner confidence and faith within themselves and on the strength of her healing and cosmic powers.
The artists who should be credited for creating this wonder on stage include Ashley Mehta, Vrinda Sharma, Deepali Sharma, Brijesh Avtar Sharma, Zeeshan Haider, Mohd. Umar, Deepika Panotra, Meenakshi Bhan, , Goutam Sharma, Ashish Parihar, Gautam Kumar, Rahul Gupta, Bhisham Gupta, Raheel Sharma, Sandeep Kumar, Meenakshi Bhaghat, Kuldeep Angral, Shann Khan, Ashivam Sigh, Menu Panotra, Eva, Shivam Sharma, Priyanka Pandita, Mahikshit Singh, Sushant Singh, Natasha Jamwal, Aarti Devi, Aradhna Verma, Shivani and Kanan Preet Kaur. Manoj Kumar,Ajay Kumar, Adesh Dhar,Akash Bhat, Shubham Raj, Rickle Jadhan, Vishal Raina, Diya Sharma, Mohit Kaul, Mohd. Mohsin Raza.