A Tribute to a Philanthropist

Ravi Rohmetra
Five year ago, Jammu lost a philanthropist a social worker in the shape of Dr. Kewal Krishan Gupta, who worked tirelessly and selflessly for almost more than 65 years for treating poor people of Jammu and Kashmir. He was a friend, guide and social worker born on 8th August 1933 at Jammu in the family of Dr. Lal Chand Gupta (who was the Pioneer and created Establishment Gupta Eye Lotion, City Chowk, Jammu in 1931 and Beera Devi (Mother). After graduation, he had to leave the studies to look after the free eye clinic, established by his father to help the poor. Long queues at his clinic were seen throughout his life especially during the eye flu season and his clinic was synonymous with great rush and free eye treatment throughout his career till death and is well remembered by all the citizens of the UT. He was also known for his simplicity and extremely good behavior and during his life time he was counted amongst the great personalities. The small Eye Clinic played a pivotal role in providing relief to minor ailments like flue etc especially for poor and needy of the society and there is hardly a family in Jammu who has not visited his clinic during his lifetime. During the current eye flu many poor and down trodden people still visit his clinic daily.
Centre of Service
This centre of service for eye ailments has been rendering valuable medical aid for over half a century. It is noteworthy that this Gupta family, belonging to Ghoregali in Sialkote area, in pre-partition period headed by Dr. Lal Chand Gupta shifted to Jammu during 1931, with high public-spirit and sense of social work. He set up “GUPTA EYE LOTION CLINIC” at City Chowk and started rendering “Low cost” treatment for eye ailments and gradually gained popularity. There was always rush of patients at this clinic known for patience and deep sense of service.
Example for Service
It may be mentioned here that the founder of this EYE CLINIC. Dr. Lal Chand Gupta had a spiritual bent of mind and his mother had instructed him to serve the humanity at all costs and in every circumstance. This service to ailing mankind is true worship of the almighty and this advice always remained with his family which is still undertaking social service.
Dr. KEWAL KRISHAN GUPTA will be remembered for his social services and contribution to the society. He is being remembered on his 5th death anniversary. No doubt Gupta Ji is not with us but due to his selfless service for mankind his name will remain always alive in our hearts. An epitome of humanity and resilience. Mr. Gupta went on to become one of the most enduring icons, who dedicated his entire life in the service of the people.
Dr. Kewal Krishan Gupta was very kind benevolent and sympathic to all human beings irrespective of caste,colour and creed. The people out of love and affection and in recognition of his service to the suffering humanity bestowed on him the honour of being the President and Executive members of many organizations such as Akhil Bhartiya Mahajan Shiromani Sabha Delhi, Jammu,Central Mahajan Sabha, Gandhi Seva Sadan, Arya Smaj, Jammu and Kashmir Social Sudhar Sabha etc.