A Valuable Compilation

Autar Mota

Year 2016 was Poet Dina Nath Nadim’s( 1916-1988 ) birth centenary. Expectation of Gala celebration by official Custodians of Art and culture were high. We also expected many social events by Non Governmental Agencies , Organizations, Clubs , and Groups engaged in the promotion and propagation of Art and culture in our State.
There existed an imperative need to remember a man who gave modern diction, style and scope to kashmiri Poetry . A need to recognize the efforts of a Man who dominated the kashmiri poetic Horizon for more than two decades . A man who broadened the canvas of kashmiri poetry and followed the footsteps of Mehjoor and Azad in freeing it from the clutches and grip of Leela / Sufiana genre . A Man who heralded Modernism in content and form by writing Blank verse , sonnets , Anecdotes, Haiku and operas in Kashmiri.
Alas ! Not much happened either in official arena or on Private platforms. And in this environment of despair , G R Hasarat Gadda has come with a New optimism . He brings a glimmer of hope for Nadim Lovers with Publication of his Book ” Me Chham Aash Pagahuch ” that has a variety of Popular and representative poems of Stalwart kashmiri poet. Sometimes Individual efforts surpass what otherwise should have come from Institutions meant for the same . And this effort by G R Hasarat Gadda is a perceptible example on this issue . Since Nadim had not been careful towards compiling and publishing his own work ( except Shuhul Kull ), this is perhaps the first collection of his poems that has arrived on the scene ;Much awaited and desired by lovers of his poetry.
I have personally observed many similarities Between Nadim and Bengali Rebel Poet Qazi Nazrul Islam . Both were brought up and nursed in poverty . Both had mastery in the field of Nazm / Kobita . Their verses come up with a gift of inherent music . Both have explored common themes such as exploitation ,love, freedom and humanity . Both were towering figures in spearheading a cultural renaissance by liberating poetry and literature from its medieval mould. The lone dissimilarity is sharp and painful. While Nazrul almost got what he rightly deserved for his contribution in the Literary arena of the subcontinent , Nadim did not get his due place even in his own land. For this, Kudos to Bengalis world over for not only recognizing and remembering their icons but also ensuring a respectable place for them in the corpus of “World Literature” . We kashmiris have also been unfair to another legend known as Abdul Ahad Azad. I have my doubts if any person remembers Noor Mohd. Roshan. It appears that we have always been so in dealing with our own Icons.
Coming to the book under review , I may inform that the book is written in kashmiri ( Nastalik ) script and has 376 pages that include about 36 pages for the details of poems within and two forewords. It has a detailed foreword by G R Hasarat Gadda and a brief one by Shantiveer kaul. The Book is dedicated to Mrs Padmavati Koul ( poet’s wife ) , who according to the compiler , devoted her entire life serving the poet. In his absorbing foreword , the compiler discusses Nadim right from his birth till death in a gripping manner . We come to know about Nadim’s school and college days followed by his struggle to earn a livelihood by opening a Private Academy ( NEW ERA ) . We also read details of his stints in teaching profession and finally settling down as Principal Lal Ded Memorial School at Badyaar Bala srinagar.
Starting with writing Hindi and English poems at the age of 17 , Naadim soon moved to kashmiri where he introduced several genres like Blank Verse , Sonnet Opera and haiku. This compiler has not been able to get his haiku Poems for compilation. Like a star , Nadim kept shining brighter and brighter on the literary Horizon of kashmir . The compiler informs that Nadim formally joined Communist party of India in 1950 and in the same year he was elected general secretary of Progressive writers association. He rubbed shoulders with towering Political leadership of the state yet for himself, he never desired or demanded any office of profit , special favour or Pecuniary advantage. He started his life as a teacher and inspite of brief interludes here and there , he served the Education Sector till his death.
The Compiler also informs that Nadim led the Cultural Front later cultural congress and then all state Cultural Conference. He was also elected Member of Sahitya Academy and had a brief stint in Government Job as Assistant Director Social Education ( 1965-1969) .
The compiler goes on to add that except Shuhul Kul , Nadim had not published any Book during his lifetime although he had written so much in all genres and forms much of which had remained unpublished .Accordingly, absence of any published Book , it was almost an impossible task for him to collect Nadim poems from Magazines and private Hands . Add to that, His friends and relations were far away and scattered . Finally much needed help came from Poet’s immediate family especially his sons Shantiveer kaul and Ahimsa Koul. This task kept him busy for almost an year involving extensive Travel and Search in Kashmir , Jammu and New Delhi. ” Shuhul Kul ” won him sahitya Academy award in 1986 . Nadim also received the prestigious Soviet land Nehru award in 1971.
It may be pertinent to mention that `Nadim was basically a poet of Nazm and accordingly the first section of the Book begins with his Popular and representative Poems ( more than 105 in number ). This section is a treat . It covers some of his best poems such as :
(1) Naara e shabab
(The slogan of the youth )
(2) Naarae inquilaab ( The slogan of the revolution )
(3) Graav (Complaint )
(4) Me vuchh Aead Subahunn
(I saw today Morning )
(5) Prutchhun Chhum
(I have to ask )
(6) Sonth Ta Harud
(Spring and autumn )
(7) Ba Geivaa Na Az
(I shall not sing Today )
(8) Me Chhum kaa’m Baaki
(I have so much pending )
(9) Me Chhum Aash Pagahaetch
(I am optmisitic about Tomorrow)
This effort on the part of the compiler is certainly praiseworthy and shall go a long way in collecting and documenting the work of the poet . Yet the benefits of this grand effort may not pass on to the persons who are not familiar with Kashmiri script . For this , I would suggest that the book’s second edition should come with a CD that has all the poetic contents in an Audio form. Can’t we apply this suggestion to all new Books on kashmiri poetry being Published anywhere . That is what was suggested to me by so many young kashmiris who want to know about their cultural heritage but feel handicapped for being unable read or write kashmiri .And every kashmiri lover must do Everything to enhance the reach of this impressive endeavor.