A Visionary Ruler

This refers to the writeup’Caretaker of Kashmir'(DE, July18, 2017).The writer has beautifully highlighted the various rare and unknown  facts about Maharaja Pratap Singh who initiated a new chapter in J&K by bringing about development in all the spheres.The longest ruling Dogra Maharaja ruled this state to ensure that his subjects were happy and prosperous and  the state progressed in all the spheres.He opened new schools and colleges, developed healthcare systems, worked towards establishing local self government and improved road connectivity.It was under his visionery rule that famous Banihal Cart (B C) road was thrown open to the public, as a result of which tongas, buses and trucks became the principal means of conveyance and transportation in our state.His dream projects of connecting Srinagar with rail and building 79 mile long monocable steel ropeway from Jammu to  village Doru across Banihal, though could not be executed due to lack of funds, bears testimony to his vision and farsightedness.
He also ordered land settlement in order to define and protect the rights of the agriculturists and provide security to the cultivators.He established the Forest Department, which gave a surplus revenue of two and a half lakh in the very first year.He also took steps to spread the light of education by opening two Degree colleges, one each at Jammu & Srinagar and establishing Amar Singh  Technical Institute.He opened  hospitals in the state and administered largescale vaccinations in 1894 to prevent small pox.Not only this, he took concrete steps to prevent floods in Kashmir and constructed many irrigation canals including the famous Ranbir Canal in 1911 and constructed about 250 rain harvesting talaabs in Kandi areas.
Not only this, he set up silk factory at Srinagar which was the largest of its kind in the world and estalished municipalities at Jammu, Srinagar,  Sopore and Baramulla to improve hygiene and sanitation. Unfortunately, his contribution in ensuring the all round development of the state has not been highlighted the way it ought to have been through textbooks at school/college level, seminars, symposia etc.with the result that common man in our state is ignorant of his valuable contribution. The author deserves appreciation for  bringing to light important facts related to the life and contribution of this great Dogra ruler.
Yours etc…
Ashok Sharma,