Aatank Ke Aqua Ka Anth

On the eve of Diwali ,the world heaved a sigh of relief when American army surround dreaded terrorist Abu Bakr al Baghdadi chief of ISIS who was in a cave tunnel and when he saw that he was about to be killed, he blew himself with his suicide belt. American President Donald Trump said that Baghdadi died a dog’s death. He was the terrorist of the Islamic state and his death is a victory for the fight against terror and it should be hailed as a triumph for the America and the whole world which is suffering from the threat of terrorism. He was killed in Syria along with three of his children with active support of Russia, Syria, Turkey and Iraq. This is a big achievement indeed and it has given a boost to the morale of the uniformed men and this is no mean development by any standard. The pressure against the terrorists should be continued till the last militant is liquidated. Killing of terrorist Baghdadi is a severe jolt to the terrorist network of ISIS and it is a justice to a large number of people. It is hoped that with the killing of Baghdadi the ISIS terrorist infrastructure will be demoralized. Killing of Baghdadi is a big achievement for the America and the world as well.
Terrorism and the terrorists are the enemy of whole humanity and it is the duty and responsibility of the world community to jointly fight terrorism. Pakistan which is the mother of terrorism should see the reason and rein the terrorists and it should desist from using terrorism as a state policy. But will Pakistan do it is a million dollar question.
Terrorism , extremism, militancy and fundamentalism is ingrained in the blood of Pakistanis and thus there is little chance that Pakistan will curb anti human activities. Thus to fight the menace of terrorism and cleanse the Pakistan from terrorism, it is necessary to wage a war with Pakistan to purge it from terrorism. The surgical strikes and Balakot like operations cannot purge Pakistan from the demon of terrorism and war is the only viable option to defeat the hydra -headed demon called terrorism. Thus we should fight terrorism lock, stock and barrel and only then future world will be a safe place to live otherwise not.
O N Koul