Abhay Sopori awarded ‘Top Grade’ by AIR

Abhay Sopori receiving certificate of 'Top Grade' from DG AIR Fayyaz Sheheryar in New Delhi.
Abhay Sopori receiving certificate of 'Top Grade' from DG AIR Fayyaz Sheheryar in New Delhi.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 31: Son of the soil and cultural icon of Jammu & Kashmir, the internationally acclaimed Santoor Maestro and Music Composer, Abhay Rustum Sopori has been awarded the ‘Top Grade’ by All India Radio (AIR) bestowing upon him the title of ‘Pandit’.
Director General (DG) of All India Radio Fayyaz Sheheryar presented Abhay a certificate in New Delhi, in this connection. Dr Santosh Kumar Nahar, renowned violinist and Assistant Director of Programmes (Music), All India Radio was also present on the occasion.
Abhay, one of the youngest ‘Top Grade’ classical musicians of India today, dedicated this honour to his grandfather Late Pandit Shamboo Nath Sopori, the great Master musician hailed as the ‘Father of Music’ in Jammu and Kashmir.
Son of the living legend Pandit Bhajan Sopori, Abhay represents the 300-year-old exclusive traditional Santoor family of the country. He has the credit for creating a cultural revolution in Jammu and Kashmir bringing the youth together through music. His efforts and initiatives have been path breaking creating a new generation of music connoisseurs and bringing more recognition to the art and culture of the country.
Abhay has been honoured with a number of awards in recognition of his outstanding contribution and achievements in the field of music including the prestigious J&K State Award by J&K Government, Atal Shikhar Samman presented at the Parliament of India, Dr S Radhakrishnan National Award, Best Citizens of India Award, Bharat Shiromani Award, Dogri Award, Sangeet Bhushan Award, etc.