Abhinav Theatre under threat

Abhinav Theatre in Jammu is part of post-independence history of the city of Jammu. Ever since its construction in 1960s, it has remained the hub of most of the cultural activities of Jammu. A number of celebrated artist, writers, poets, and dramatist are historically connected with it. It has hosted many seminars, symposia, art exhibitions, book exhibitions, dramatic performances and lectures by eminent people distinguished in their respective fields of specialization.  All this is history and related to Abhinav Theatre. Even the name, viz. Abhinavagupt brings to our memory the contribution of the celebrated founder and propounder of the Kashmir Shaivism.
But unfortunately, this historical and cultural complex is under threat of devastation by the flood waters that visit it so often. On June 23 last, the flood waters from the nullah that passes through the premises of the complex broke all record and entered the basement of the foyer where administrative office, library and some apparatus remain stocked. All this came under water. The water also flooded the vast premises. The functionaries could salvage some of the books and material but a good part has been damaged and lost. Incidentally the library contained old and rare works and these are lost to us. Functionaries have reported that originally this was the site of a large pond which was filled and then made plain. But the nullah passing through its premises is the curse. Unless the nullah is diverted to some other alignment, the threat to the theatre remains there. Functionaries of the Abhinav Theatre are said to have brought it to the notice of the concerned repeatedly but no action has been taken so far.
It is important that this cultural centre of Jammu is restored to its glory. The most important task is to save it from the threat of flood water. The theatre is already closed for functions for last five years as it is under repair. But whatever is left needs to be saved and restored.