About 500 pilgrims leave for Amarnath from base camps

SRINAGAR :  Five hundred yatris, including women and sadhus, left Baltal and Nunwan Pahalgam base camps early this morning for the holy Amarnath cave shrine, where more than 2.75 lakh paid obeisance since the commencement of the 55-day-long pilgrimage from June 28.
However, the authorities have decided to keep the ‘Access Control Gate’ open till 1300 hrs for the pilgrims who arrived at base camps from Jammu today.
Because of night travel from Jammu to Srinagar, the pilgrims wanted to take rest before starting the journey to the holy cave, a yatra official said, adding but if any pilgrims will decide to move ahead he or she will be allowed till 1300 hrs, when the gates will be closed.
He said about 350 pilgrims, who arrived at Baltal base camp till last night, left for the holy cave early this morning. They included women and sadhus also.
Similarly, about 150 pilgrims left Nunwan Pahalgam base camps this morning for Chandanwari, the last motorable halting station on the traditional track.
He said the pilgrims who stopped for night halt at Chandanwari and other halting stations also started their onward journey this morning towards the Cave shrine.
Following the closure of the Srinagar-Jammu National Highway due to protests at several places and curfew in Kashmir, pilgrims could not arrive here from Bagwati Nagar, Jammu, base camp.
However, with the improvement in the situation, more than 1,800 pilgrims in different vehicle started their journey towards Baltal and Pahalgam base camps last night under tight security arrangements.
Similarly the pilgrims who were stranded at Baltal and Pahalgam base camps after having darshan at the cave shrine also started their journey to their homes last  evening.
However, the pilgrims started their journey this morning.