Abrogation of Articles 370 & 35-A a good riddance: Brig Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 15: While promoting the nation-wide Jan Jagaran Abhiyan of the Bharatiya Janata Party, Brig Anil Gupta, State spokesperson of the Party has said that Article 370 was the biggest constitutional fraud inserted in the Constitution of India without formal discussion in the Constituent Assembly at the behest of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah.
“Under the garb of this most abused Article of the Constitution, the power brokers in Kashmir resorted to violation of rights, exploitation of people and resources, blatant discrimination and rampant corruption. While the people of Jammu & Ladakh were blatantly ignored, the people of Kashmir were held hostage to their political ambitions through false promises, emotional exploitation and divisive politics,” said Brig Gupta.
He further alleged that the people were kept deprived of the various progressive laws made by the Indian Parliament for the benefit of people including particularly the backward and financially weaker sections simply in order to fill their own coffers through day-light loot of the huge investments and funds released by the Central Government for the benefit of the people of the State.
The BJP spokesperson said it was unfortunate that despite the provision being temporary, it took 72 long years for abrogation of the same. “Der Ayad Durust Ayad” (Better Late than Never), it is a good riddance and will benefit the entire population of the State,” asserted Brig Gupta adding that Article 35A, a by-product of 370 was responsible for regressive and discriminatory laws that adversely affected the daughters of the soil and a few communities that were settled in the State.
Brig Gupta said that members of the Indian Armed Forces, both serving and veterans would also be relieved with the deletion of such laws. “It was unfortunate that those who risked their life and limb, and made supreme sacrifices while safeguarding the lives of J&K residents could not be given even a small piece of land as a token of appreciation due to the existing laws,” rued Brig Gupta and added that even the veterans from other parts of the State were denied land to establish a Sainik Colony in Srinagar on the pattern of the one that exists in Jammu.
Similarly, the civil servants who did not belong to the State, professionals, technocrats and journalists will heave a sigh of relief because they were being discriminated at the time of their retirement, stated Brig Gupta.