Absence of Senate-confirmed ambassador did not stop from having effective relationship with India, says WH

WASHINGTON, Mar 21: The absence of a Senate-confirmed ambassador to New Delhi did not stop the Biden Administration from having an effective relationship with India, the White House said Monday.
The Senate last week confirmed Eric Garcetti, the former Los Angeles Mayor, as US Ambassador to India, a post that has been laying vacant for more than two years now.
“It always helps if you have a Senate confirmed ambassador in a country, particularly one that’s so important like India to us in the region and around the world. But we didn’t let that stop us,” John Kirby, National Security Council Coordinator for strategic communications at the White House told reporters at a daily news conference here.
“President (Joe) Biden has prioritized that bilateral relationship. And even though without an ambassador, we certainly had a very competent charge there and a very competent career staff in the embassy that we’re able to continue to advance our foreign policy interests in this bilateral relationship and did so quite effectively,” he said.
“But obviously, having an ambassador is always important and we look forward to them soon,” Kirby said. (PTI)