Absenteeism in Employees

Dr S S Verma
We always come to know through audio/vedio and print media as well as from our surroundings about the absenteeism in employees of Government offices/schools and almost all other organization run by the Government.  New Government at centre lead by Mr. Narendra Modi has instructed its cabinet ministers to be present at 9.00 am in their offices but whenever (I doubt whether they also go every day at 9.00am) these ministers went to their offices at 9.00am, they found most of their ministerial offices employees missing from their tables. Similar news appear in TV and news papers regarding school/college/university teachers and all other Government employees when ever higher officials made sudden checks in the offices.  We do not follow, nor we feel interested to follow the final outcome of such news and the actions taken against such employees. We know that such employees will always make all efforts to be safe under the coverage of the legal freedom available with them through our constitution. Moreover, the high officials will also take the path of social justice and humanity and will excuse such employees and this practice will never come to an end.
It is really surprising to ponder on  why the Government employees shun their duties on the pretext of one or the other excuse in their lives.  Government employees already make best use of the plenty of expected and un-expected holidays along with casual leaves and restricted holidays. Common man is suffering for his work not being attended in the offices, students are losing interest in education, patients are not getting timely treatment and same is with all other stakeholders of the society.  Government as a whole is always in loss and that is why not a single Government run organization is in a profit mode whereas on the other side (private) every organization from corporate to individual is progressing and flourishing with leaps and bounds.  Same people when in abroad or in private organization in the country, work day and night for their organizations following all the rules and regulation in true spirit.
Planners and managers are well aware of this situation and they have already framed many rules and guidelines to make people work and make them accountable for their duties but even then the present situation in our country’s Government offices is very  grave.   If something is not done in time, situation will go towards worst.  No doubt, dedication in an employee cannot be measured neither at the time of recruitment nor can be ascertained after recruitment. But still some rules and regulations should not only be framed to check and ascertain the dedication of an employee particularly in Government offices but such rules have also to be implemented in true spirit from the top boss of the organization.  In earlier days, organizations/departments were headed by people with qualities of integration, honesty and dedication and their presence and working used to create an environment in which other employees were also used to be motivated for hard work, dedication and honesty.  But, things are changing with time and these qualities in a man are all things of past.  Today people are busy in all other works than the work expected from them in their offices for which they are being paid the common man’s hard earned money.  People working in Government offices should think their organizations as their homes and should work upto their level best and avoid absenteeism in offices.
They should think that some people are waiting for the outcome of their applications, students are looking towards their teachers as their role models and for better education, and patients are suffering from ailments. “Work is worship” motto should be observed by every Government employee. There is no meaning in going to worship places looking for solace and spending office time to entertain family members and solve their problems.  According to Hindu Mythology, above these all duties is the duty of office for which we are being paid and if we are not performing that duty with dedication, honesty and sincerity then we are committing sin and will be punished one day or the other by Almighty who is observing our each and every action.