Abu Dhabi rediscovers our “Path”

B L Saraf
First Hindu stone Temple built and managed by Swaminarayan Sanstha has been thrown open to the devotees in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The temple known as BAPS (Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanastha ) Mandir was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 13th instant, in presence of the senior priest of the Sanatha and spiritual leaders of the Sect. The temple complex is located in Abu Mureikha area , on the land measuring 27 acres gifted by Shiekh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of UAE and is situated 50 Kms away from Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque.
It is reported that when the idea of having a Hindu Temple in UAE was put to the President Zayed his response was categorical that not only a temple should be here but it should look like a Hindu temple . UAE is undergoing a profound change from conservative Muslim nation to a tolerant and inclusive state, with a belief in inter- faith harmony. In the aftermath of 9/11 President Zayed coordinated with Saudi Arabia to stop, then Muslim Brotherhood ruled, Egypt spread terrorism in the region. He created Ministry of tolerance headed by his brother Sheikh Nahyan -Bin – Mubarak, which organized a high profile conference in which leaders from around the world participated to promote inter-faith harmony.
In a sense construction of Temple in Abu Dhabi redefines multiculturalism, which even today many Muslim countries are not comfortable with. Presence of Hindu temple in a Muslim country reaffirms the view that religious co-existence is an essential ingredient of modern civilization and is much needed for the social and economic emancipation . It also indicates a trend that religious radicalism is slowly giving way to religious tolerance and inter-faith accommodation.
The construction of the temple is tribute to the India’s genius where architectural methods have been combined with the scientific techniques. Temple’s magnificent look bears testimony to the India’s glorious civilization and cultural past. It underlines the importance of highly skilled labour and refined human resource India produced in abundance, which may come handy to the country, as UAE is looking beyond oil to expand its economy. It has invested in green energy, space, artificial intelligence and semiconductors where it needs to cement economic relationship with India.
It is a pleasing irony that a country like UAE which till not so distant past held a one dimensional view in the matters of faith is opening up to the idea of multiculturalism and presence of other faiths in the world . The Emirate is on the path which India had set for herself centuries earlier. Unfortunately we seem to be faltering, now. Hopefully the unfolding scene in Abu Dhabi may halt which we have been seeing in our country – the clamor for one dimensional nation where the process of “othering” some sections of the society has become a new normal.
On the occasion of temple inauguration , the UAE Ambassador to India, Abdul Nasser Al Shaali put it aptly before the Indian media: ” his country views the inauguration of the temple as a special occasion that aligns with values of tolerance and acceptance that guide the relations.
It will be very appropriate here to recall words of RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat spoken in 2021. He said at an event ‘Hindustani First’ organized by Muslim Rashtriya Manch in Gaziabad UP that those who indulge in lynching are against Hindutua: that there may be differences in worship and lifestyle but Hindu and Muslims are one -not different and our belief should be to live together to strengthen the nation. Mohan Bhagwat added that we live in democracy which does not permit dominance of one religion over the other “dominance has to be of Indians.” In the wake of Gyanwapi Mosque controversy the RSS Chief called upon countrymen to shun the tendency to see a Shiv-ling underneath every Masjid. It was a huge statement from a person who matters most in the current political scene of the country and is heard with respect, by all. RSS Chief has repeated these words a number of times.
On other occasion, Mohan Bhagwat referred to the Constitution many a time during his address to emphasize the point that the document nowhere talks about Hindus only. He consciously sought to downplay the religious divide and foreground national identity together with emphasis on rule of law. This is an acknowledgement of multiculturalism that defines idea of India. At that time one thought that words and actions are welcome as they will help restore much needed sanity, tolerance and a sense of accommodation within the society. Many hoped that they may rein in fringe elements with the majority community – a hope though not belied but not translated into the result, either.
In the scenario which unfolded in UAE and other parts of the West Asia – with PM Narendra Modi getting a warm welcome and a Temple in place – one expects the cadres of Sangh Pariwar to follow advice of Mohan Bhagwat Ji. This will be good for the nation that communities shed prejudices, keep channels of mutual dialogue open and avoid polarizing rhetoric. It is time for us, the Indians, to rededicate ourselves to ” values of tolerance and acceptance “which the UAE Ambassador alluded to on the occasion of inauguration of the Temple in Abu Dhabi. Such an approach will lead to many more Idol housing Temples of Hindu faith dot landscape of the iconoclasts , bearing testimony to the India’s growing spiritual, economic and political clout , in the, hitherto, unchartered territory. A harmonious India with a congenial atmosphere for the growth and prosperity of every section of the society will be an added feather to the cap of PM Narendra Modi when he enters office for the third term, in my 2024.
(The author is Former Principal District & Sessions Judge)