Accidents galore

No day passes without a fatal accident, being a headline in all the newspapers of the country. According to the latest survey maximum deaths occur in India in road accidents. The State Govts has not framed a comprehensive policy to curb these gruesome accidents that take a heavy toll of precious human lives. It all happens due to careless driving and caring a fig for road safety rules.
Thanks to Central Govt’s comprehensive policy known as “Road Safety and Transport Act” that is on the anvil, seeking public suggestions for giving teeth  to this new proposed policy. In this Act, they have taken some stern measures in the form of fines ranging from Rs 1000 to Rs 20,000/= for offences like driving in drunken State on two wheelers without wearning helmets driving four wheelers without using safety  belts, overtaking at red lights, frisking away from blind alleys, skipping through wrong directions, not observing speed limits at busy zones. In case of serious offences, the drivers can be subjected to imprisonment including fines to reform the transport system.
Now Jammu has also emerged as a busy and congested city with traffic jams occuring for hours to gether making the life of daily commuters totally hellish. This is all due to total neglects of “Road Safety Rules”. The State Govt should also implements stern measures to curb road accidents that are on the abnormal rise in the State.
The main cause of frequent occurence of tragic accidents is overloading and rash driving. The conductors of matadors plying in Jammu city huddle up passengers like animals, while elderly and ailing passengers gossip for breath and some passengers are seen hanging from the exit doors as they adjust double the required limit of standing passengers. Similar is the case of long route  buses as they turn turtle and cause tragic accidents. I would suggest that those conductors, who indulge in overloading should at least be fined Rs 5000/- so that this menace is curbed and road safety norms are observed.
Yours etc…
K L Dhar
Durga Nagar Enclave