Accountability for political setup taking roots in J&K: Karra

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, May 23: Asserting that accountability for political setup is taking root in J&K, senior PDP leader Tariq Hameed Karra said the recent Lok Sabha election result has sent across a clear message to the political parties in the State that they should either perform or perish.
Addressing a series of thanks giving public meetings in Chrar-e-Sharief Assembly segment of Srinagar Parliamentary constituency from where he was elected as a Member of Parliament, said, “The results are a wake-up call for all the political parties that they can’t take the people for a ride through hollow slogans as has been happening in the past.”
Accusing Chief Minister Omar Abdullah of having wasted six years through misgovernance and non-performance, Mr Karra said if anything, the present Government would be remembered would be as the darkest era of the governance in J&K.
‘The Government will be remembered for facilitating hundreds of innocent killings, letting loose a reign of repression on youth, ordering wanton arrests, perpetuating fear and sense of insecurity, promoting socio-economic instability, frightening increase in crime rate and menacing drug abuse.
The deaths in road rage, vanishing rule of law, rampant corruption, shocking scams, institutional degradation, misgovernance, dilapidated roads, power shortage, drinking water scarcity, non-availability of rations, frustrating unemployment, maladministration, spurious medicines, maddening traffic snarls and countless other anti-people measures would be remembered, he alleged.
If people have voted for PDP, it is only because of the performance of PDP-led coalition Government headed by Mufti Mohammad Sayeed between 2002 and 2005.
‘The signposts PDP-led Government’s developmental initiatives are visible in every nook and corner of the State and people have endorsed the same by voting overwhelmingly for the party in the Lok Sabha polls,’ he said, adding with the fresh mandate the party would rededicate itself to the larger cause of the people of J&K.
Complimenting the State’s youth for endorsing the PDP agenda for change, he said the party has a unique correlation with the youth as PDP itself is young and growing.
‘We understand and identify better with the problems of our young population as we as a party are ourselves young and growing with them,’ he said and added that the youth in the State need extraordinary attention as they have been particularly and enormously affected by the negative consequences of the conflict and economic deprivation.
In order to avoid a further deterioration of the situation for the coming generations, he said the State’s political leadership needs to respect and ensure the rights of its youth.
“This requires a determined effort of lending economical, social and political support to the young people, both men and women equally,” he maintained.
Expressing concern over the magnitude and disproportionate effect of unemployment and underemployment upon youth and its profound implications for the future of our society, Karra said the PDP considers youth employment as integral to overall strategy for development and collective security.