Substantial funds have been kept at the disposal of Panchayats in Jammu and Kashmir to strengthen these grass root democratic institutions and it is but mandatory to have Accounts Assistants posted in these institutions and though it is principally agreed way back in July last year for such a requirement , no headway has been made in it so far. Two thousand of such posts at Panchayats had to be filled for managing accounting and other procedures as per set accounting standards . Though the number of Panchayats is more than 4000 and therefore the required number of such Assistants too should have been as much but as a measure of economic austerity and to begin with only 2000 of such personnel was decided to be put in place .So far so good.
However, notwithstanding the delay in recruiting Accounts Assistants, their requirement for “obvious reasons” cannot be compromised nor kept the requirement pending any longer. We are not in a position to comprehend as to when the concerned official envisages that such recruitment needed to be done on fast track basis but on merits, why such a dilly dallying ? Should the delay not be construed as likely to be fraught with its own disadvantages of hanky -panky in management of accounts leading later to financial irregularities and frauds? To pre-empt that situation , if any, it is imperative to have the Accounts Assistants recruited at the earliest.