Achievements in 48 months under BJP ‘eye opener’, says power minister

NEW DELHI, June 5: Power Minister R K Singh said today that comparison of 48 years of achievements of the other governments with 48 months of the current Government is an “eye opener”.
At a press conference on the completion of 4 years of the BJP Government, he said: “We added 24,000 MW power generation capacity per year compared to  4,800 MW of earlier governments.”
He said 1 lakh MW of power generation capacity and I lakh circuit KM of inter state transmission capacity has been added in the last 4 years.
Besides, 25,000 circuit Km transmission capacity was added per year compared to 3,400 ckm during the previous governments.
He said all the 4 crore  families would have power connection by December this year as against the March 2019 deadline under SAUBHAGYA scheme.
“We simply doubled the capacity of renewable energy to 70GW in 4 years. Coal supplies increased 14 per cent compared to last year,” Singh said. (PTI)