Action Please

Construction of Lane/ Drain/ Nallah
The residents of Ajit Colony Extn (South) Ward 32, Talab Tillo Camp Road, Jammu West are suffering badly due to severe water logging and feeling desperate and helpless as our repeated pleas for construction of a drainage system has gone unattended.
The water channel which used to drain the rain water of the entire street with its slope from North to South from the house of S. Hakoomat Singh (N) to Puran Chand (S) has been blocked due to new construction some years back and whenever it rains even for a few hours the residents are bound to stay inside or wade through stagnating water.
There is every risk of water entering the houses in case of continuous rains for some days. This issue of construction of a drainage system in the locality as none was ever constructed is being repeatedly pursued by the Residents Committee for the last one decade since 2014 when last Assembly elections were held through representations, deputations, grievance registrations and highlighting in the media but to no effect.
No representative worth the name from concerned Corporator, MLA, MP, Mayor JMC and Municipal Commissioner JMC bothered to get the most genuine demand fulfilled despite claims of smart, clean, green Jammu and massive development in the city. Even the PMO and LG’s grievance cell has failed to get the problem redressed. As per information received from Executive Engineer Municipal Corporation Division No- III Jammu in compliance to the decision of 2nd appeal by the Chief Information Commissioner Delhi vide his no JMC/D-III/6341-42 dated 12-02-24 the detailed proposal from SDO on 28-07-22 was further submitted to the office of Joint Commissioner (Works), JMC for accord of administrative approval vide his No. JMC / D-III/1605-1606 dated 04/08/22.
It has been resubmitted vide No. JMC/D-III/5904-06 dated 06/01/24 but awaits accord of administrative approval and release of funds. Those at the helm of affairs – concerned MP, Municipal Commissioner JMC, PM and LG and ruling party functionaries holding Darbars claiming to get the public issues redressed and massive development are requested to get the issue resolved by persuading the busy higher ups to take some personal interest in this issue and solve our problem on priority basis.
Arun Jandial
Sahaj Jeevan 57- Ajit Colony Extn. (South) Ward 32,
Talab Tillo Camp Road, Jammu West.
Discrimination against Bi-Annual Students in PMSSS scholarship process
We are writing to bring to your attention a critical issue affecting a significant number of bi-annual students from low-income and remote areas in Jammu and Kashmir. These students, many of whom have diligently completed their studies under the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE), are facing severe discrimination in the Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme (PMSSS) registration process due to the actions of AICTE officials.
The crux of the issue lies in the bureaucratic hurdles created by AICTE officials, who are incorrectly categorizing bi-annual students as open school students, despite these students meeting all criteria as regular students. This misclassification is preventing approximately 6000 eligible students from registering for the PMSSS, thus jeopardizing their educational future.
When these students attempt to register, they encounter an error message stating that their roll numbers do not match with their mother’s name. This discrepancy is unfounded as the information provided by the students matches exactly with their official JKBOSE records.
Many of these students come from underprivileged backgrounds, and their families have made tremendous sacrifices to support their education. The delay and confusion caused by the AICTE’s erroneous categorization are not only unjust but also threaten to deprive these deserving students of their right to higher education.
Moreover, the PMSSS helplines have been unresponsive and are not addressing the issue seriously, further exacerbating the frustration and helplessness of these students. The bureaucrats involved in this process have shifted the blame to JKBOSE officials, while no real steps have been taken to resolve the issue.
The registration deadline is fast approaching, and without immediate intervention, these students will miss out on this crucial opportunity.
Aggrieved Aspirants
Repair Battal-Ballian road
We want to draw the attention of the district administration towards the deplorable condition of Battal-Ballian road. Despite being a busy road, it is never maintained properly by the concerned department. The road is damaged at various places. Riddled with pot-holes and puddles, it causes great inconvenience to the motorists particularly during rainy days.
There remains the apprehension of accidents particularly when these puddles get filled with rain water. The authorities are requested to get this road repaired and black-topped so that people do not suffer any more.
K Kumar
Install street light at Kabir Chowk

It’s since three months back that street light near my house got dysfunctional. I tried several times to lodge complaint regarding the same through JMC portal but all in vain as I did not receive the OTP . It’s humbly requested to concerned electric section of JMC to rectify the fault and make street light functional as the residents of lane are facing lot of difficulty to venture out of their house during night.
Rajender Pandita
H.No. 7-Kabir Chowk
Durga Nagar Sector 1, Ward No 64
Construct drainage in Dogra Nagar
We have been facing drainage problem since a long time. Despite highlighting the matter time and again, it has remained unresolved so far, thanks JMC.
As no drain has been constructed, water coming out of houses spills onto the roads, and at times accumulates in pits where it stagnates and stinks and becomes a breeding place for mosquitoes and other insects.
The stench reeking from it vitiates the surrounding atmosphere and is becoming a health hazard. Besides, it gives a pathetic look to the colony.
Therefore, it is requested to the authorities that a drain be constructed in the area for escape of the filthy and rain water.
Hope this problem is taken into account at the earliest.
Nikhilesh Arora
358 / 7-Dogra Nagar, Lower Durga Nagar
Plea to Chief Secretary
I would like to draw your kind attention towards a matter of great concern of UT pensioner community. Recently, a circular instructions issued by Director General Accounts and Treasuries directing pensioners to present themselves physically before Treasury Officers where they draw their pensions every month.
The DG A&T while issuing instructions with reference to basic rules contained in Try Code, has not perhaps taken cognizance of rules for transfer of Pension payable through banks as per the Govt instructions contained therein
Such practice of pension disbursement continues since decades and banks collect life certificates themselves. Hence no need to parade before any Treasury Officer for physical verification of a pensioner is generally required during the present age of digitization, in our opinion.
Even Finance Department had issued such instructions one year before that pensioners drawing Pension can visit any nearest J&K Bank branch for submission of their life certificates in the month of November.
Whether such facilities have been withdrawn is a question mark ?
The life certificate was also allowed through Aadhar based website as is in vogue in Central Government
For decades, the practice of pension disbursement has been efficiently managed by banks, which collect life certificates on line or from any brach where pensioners chose to reside post retirements themselves. This system has proven effective and convenient for pensioners, especially in the current age of digitization and the present system is very easy and beneficial for Government as well as pensioners community.
In light of the above, I kindly request you to reverse the recent circular instruction and allow pensioners to continue submitting their life certificates at any J&K Bank branch of their choice. This will not only alleviate the burden on the elderly but also streamline the verification process in alignment with modern digital practices.
Chand Ji Bhat
General Secretary
JK Civil Secretariat Pensioners Forum
Director General Accounts and Treasuries, Finance Department, Government of Jammu and Kashmir has issued a circular vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/7198451/199 dated 8 July 2024, instructing the Treasury Officers to commence the task of conducting physical verification of the pensioners/ family pensioners on the devised format, who are drawing their pension from the treasury/ J & K Bank Business Units.
The circular has agitated and disturbed peace of mind of pensioners/ family pensioners and raised many questions in their minds. It is possible that some cases of pilferage/ leakage of pensions have been detected by the Finance Department. The guilty , if any , should be taken to task instead of troubling all the pensioners for none of their fault. In this regard the following points need to be considered:
The system of payment of pensions through J and K Bank was started several years ago to relieve the Treasury Officers and treasuries from the burden of payment of pensions to increasing numbers of retired officials. The pensioners had welcomed it for it saved them from standing in long queues at the treasuries.
The system of submission of life certificate form to the banks personally by the pensioners and Verification by the bank officers can be substituted by the Jeevan Pramaan (Life certificate) by logging in to the website http: Jeevan as is done in the case of Central Government pensioners drawing their pension through designated banks. The system works by a simple click and entering Aadhar card number. It sends OTP to the mobile of the concerned pensioner and generates the life certificate within seconds.
The Central Government pensioners do not need to visit the banks for submission of their life certificates. There are also available modern means of following digital verification.
There are a large number of pensioners living with their children outside the state. They get their pension from the nearest branches of J&K bank and personally submit their life certificates there.There is no provision in the circular for such pensioners.
The provision of physical verification of Super Senior pensioners and indisposed pensioners by the staff of treasuries will not work for the simple reason that they will be busy with attending to the long queues of pensioners at treasuries. They will hardly be available for home visits resulting in delay in payment of pensions to the Super Seniors and indisposed pensioners.
The provision of having to fetch PPO from the bank where from the pensioner gets his/ her pension will force the Super Senior and indisposed pensioners, to visit his/ her bank to collect the same for verification by the treasury.
If I remember well a similar circular was issued some years back and it had resulted in long queues of aged pensioners standing outside treasuries in hot summer months. They need rest and comfort and easier ways and means of physical verification of pensioners should be found. Furthermore Jammu and Kashmir as a Union Territory should apply the same rules and measures of physical verification as apply to the Central Government pensioners.
I hope the authorities of the Finance Department will have a second look on the circular and withdraw/ modify it to save the senior citizens from the mental and physical torture they will be subjected to prove that they are still alive.
Prof. B. L. Kaul