Action against political parties

While reviewing political parties, using and enjoying monetary donations as conduits for black money, Govt is thinking of debarring 1400 out of approximately 1800 registered political parties which are not contesting elections from tax exemption. Also, exemption limit would be brought down from Rs.20,000 to Rs.2,000.
What about  tax exemption to religious institutions, NGOs as well as  educational and charitable institutions? These need to be monitored very closely because these areas are very open to  accumulation of black money from the domestic as well as foreign fundings.
Election Commision has asked Government to amend laws, ban anonymous donations beyond Rs.2000, maintain accounts and be open to audit.
These decisions will definitely bring accountability in the political sphere which behaves as one of the most susceptible areas for the accumulation of black money.
Yours etc….
Ansh Chowdhari
Delhi University