Aditya’s online entertainment activities slot him as top performer during lockdown

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 9: Aditya Bhanu, a renowned theater and film actor and director during the lockdown period has emerged as the one of the strongest contender of wins and his own releases which are on the top of the list.
Since start of lockdown period, Aditya has produced and directed many short films, patriotic songs and has been the winner of the online competitions organized by different groups.
Eight projects, highest in number goes to his credit as he released his first project based on Tawi – documentary related to earthquakes and floods of 2008, 2014.
He also acted in Chaman Lal Gupta’s biopic released recently and gathered unprecedented applauds which was followed by his first ever Dogri Documentary song on Corona entitled “Jammu Judya Jag Judya” which became instant hit .
Immediately after, Aditya came up with novel concept of ‘WeConnectIndia’ where he made another multilingual pan-India Documentary drama named “Tarkash” which included people from different states. ‘Chhan Chhan’-a Punjabi song directed by him and enacted by Manju Wazir, a national celebrity was also released during the period .
In acting, in different projects and online completions, Aditya is frontrunner by clinching top awards and consolation prizes which brings him as the top performer during the lockdown.
Presently, Aditya and his team are working on a mystery thriller ‘Kaayar, a first lockdown movie that is scheduled to be released on May 16.