ADKUF shows concern over water scarcity in Durga Nagar

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 19: A meeting of All Displaced Kashmiri United Forum (ADKUF) was held under the chairmanship of D N Kissu at Durga Nagar today.
The meeting expressed grave concern over the water scarcity in the area. Addressing the meeting, Kissu held the Department of PHE responsible for creating water crisis in the Durga Nagar and added that for the past more than four months water duration of water supply ahs been curtailed to few minutes.
He further said that PHE and Electricity departments collect 100% revenue from residents of Durga Nagar whereas duration and frequency of water supply has deliberately been cut drastically. Complaints lodged with local staff go unheard and the consumers are left at the mercy of private water tankers active in large numbers in the area and the mafia has completely hijacked the water supply services looting hapless residents.
Forum said that the problem has been deliberately created in Durga Nagar area where as other colonies get water supply as per routine.
Forum has requested the Governor for his intervention since local authorities have failed to address the burning problem despite repeated requests made.
Chief Advisor of the Forum Prof. GL Koul demanded that in J&K State KPs are a minority community and maintaining stoic silence in setting up a Minority Commission in J&K like other states and at Center is unfortunate. He demanded for setting up Minority Commi-ssion at the earliest and declaring KPs an internally displaced community in accordance with the prevalent national and international laws.
PL Sudeshi president of Forum said that the PMs Employment scheme announ-ced in 2007 has still not been implemented fully despite a lapse of more than 12 years. Most of the youth have crossed the age limit by now and the number of unemployed youth has doubled. This amply reflects the unconcerned attitude of the Government towards the worst affected community.
PN Raina general secretary said that the community had highest expectations from the present Government at the Center but it is totally disappointed with its irresponsible and care less attitude.
C L Zutshi, PL Razdan and BN Bhat also addressed the meeting.