Admittedly, a poetic effusion

Prof H L Misri

Name of the Book : Inner Voice
Sub Title : Poetic Effusion
Author : Bushan Malmohi
Price : Rs. 250/-
Pages : 172
Publication : 2015
Publisher : Jandial Printing Press, Jammu

Let me tocuh the basic before I comment on the anthology composed by Bushan Malmohi, Christopher Candwell, the critic of critics on Arts tells us “Poetry Grasps a piece of external reality Colour it with effective tone, and makes it distil a new emotional attitude which is not permanent but ends when poem is over.” This poetry is in its esence transitory and experimental illusion, yet it effects on the psyche are enduring.
Language expresses both external reality and internal reality-facts and findings. It does so with symbols by provoking in the psyche a memory-image which is the psychic projection of a peice of external reality. But language is not a haphazard group of symbols. It must be organized. I have laid the foundation and it is now that the matter in the form of poetry that is to be analyzed is on the anvil.
True, that the poet here does grasp piece of external reality but does he colour it effectively. That is a million dollar question. The canvass of external reality is very vast, making it rather difficult to co-relate psychic responses necessary for an objective assessment.
The inner voice is admittedly a poetic effusion in the sense that it moves from Patriotism to Mother Earth and to the Beloved Father and Joint Family. The poet does not lose sight of Traffic Chaos, Old age, Rain, Truth, Girls that prove, Butterfly, Tri-colour, Examinatuion, Militancy, Bridegroom, National Integration, Dowry, Snow and Courage, to mention only a few one has also to appreciate the tremendous capacity in terms of emotional resilience that makes the poet visualize psychic responses in matters of varied significance. Nothing could be a bigger achievement, a greater power of aspiration and a wider convas. But the linguistic response to this emotional turbulence seeks analytical attention. The much emphasized elements of poetic art in the form of Rhythmic excellence, symbolism and the rest are to be studied with care to make the poet realize that poetry as an aesthetic activity of the human mind has to conform to well defined norms which may undergo a change but can’t be dispensed with.
In his forward, prof Dr M K Sharma, Dean and HOD of Deptt. of Faculty of Law at Agra College (U.P.) admits “English is after all a foreign language and to express one’s feelings in a language which is not mother tongue is a really appreciable piece of work.” In this contest I have to acknowledge that the poet has exhibited tremendous courage in expressing his feelings in Rhyming stanza with an element of Rhythm conspicuously evident everywhere.
Broadly speaking the Anthology comprises poetic composition on:-
a. Abstract ideas and concepts
b. Nationalism/Patriotism/Communalism
c. Family bondages
d. Nature as a source of esternal joy
Thus we have beauty/Truth/and Urge. We are told:- “Beauty is twin sister of nature which enchants environ that grows and mature.”
Again:- “Truth delays but pays to settle things in righteous ways.”
As on urge:- “I yearn for sky lark to fly with me, compeer of similar thoughts and deeds….
Nationalism,Patriotism, communalism, national integration and allied ideas find close scrutiny at the hands of the poet.
Again:- “Make India land of harmony, It does not cost money or material….”
The poet is deeply fascinated by recollections of ‘My beloved father’ and mother as Heaven’s Bliss: Mother is Heaven’s bliss so is father Earth’s paradise without the two the sun will never rise. What an emotional turbulence represented by very well-woven Metaphors standing for the very essence of love:- “In ecstasy red is rose, shimmering petals with scintillating pose.”
Nature is a passion, a source of eternal joy and a multifaceted goddess. Representing Trees, Rainbow, Rain, Autumn, Butterfly and the like the poet conforms to the words worthian epithet-the recollection of beauty in nature in moments of tranquility constitutes poetic faith. In addition to the generalized division on the basis of wider similarities, there are quite a bewitching descriptions as that of Bridegroom, Election, Examination, Marriage, Pollution, Parting kiss etc. I leave all these for the readers to struggle with the print to deserve what they get as a reward, a compensation and a prize and not just a walk-over as in the words of the poet Life is not cake walk.’
May I quote the author of the foreword who hopes “That this collection of poems throw light on the people in society and the people will be inspuired to love Nature for the best environment and betterment of society.”
Let me convey to the poet that all of us agree with his formulation that life is a struggle and one has to face it till one is ferried safe ashore. Has the writer touched the shore safe? Has he used his poetic talents to the entire satisfaction of a reali critic-The reader? The answer is bound to come when readers will go through the volume-over and above the attempt of the author is meticulous.