Admn callous towards shunted out Hindus from Valley: PK

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 20: Panun Kashmir (PK) leadership paid a visit to the hounded out Hindus and Indian nationalists from Kashmir Valley stationed at Railway Station, Jammu today. Expressing solidarity and empathy with the forcibly evicted Hindus and Indian nationalist, leadership took a strong note of their pitiable condition arisen out of another forced displacement.
PK leaders who included its Dr Agnishekhar, its convenor, Dr Ajay Chrungoo, its chairman, Bihari Lal Koul, Daya Krishen Koul, Pran Raina. Lenin Bhat, and Satish Sher distributed food packets, water and masks to the displaced population. Inquiring about the facilities provided by administration, the visiting team was appalled to know that administration is neither concerned nor involved in any relief mechanism for these shunted out Hindus and Indian nationalists. They have been left to fend for themselves and spend their temporary halt at Jammu on the pavements of roads around the vicinity of Railway Station.
Panun Kashmir appealed the UT Government to wake up to the harsh reality of another exodus from the Valley and refrain from using the Hindus and Indian nationalists as hostages to perfect its agenda of cosmetic reestablishment of India in Kashmir. PK appealed the Union Government to consider shifting PM package employees to Jammu considering they comprise another vulnerable lot amongst nationalist population.
It appealed the LG administration to activate its resources with a mandate to conduct the registration of fleeing Hindus and nationalists from Valley so that the rest of India comes to know about the extent of this human displacement and evacuate the left over vulnerable lot from Valley. It also appealed the LG administration to arrange their temporary shelter in Jammu, make arrangements for food and other basic amenities. Panun Kashmir urged the Union Railway Minister to arrange free travel to these poor and hapless non locals who have been forcibly evicted from Valley.
In an appeal to the Prime Minister, Narebder Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, PK reminded them of their Constitutional responsibility to protect the life, dignity and security of all Indian nationals. These forcibly evicted Hindus who included PM package employees from Valley are the real nation builders and their interests must be upheld at all costs.