Admn disallows Muharram procession in Srinagar, several detained

Police foiling the Muharram procession in Srinagar on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Shakeel
Police foiling the Muharram procession in Srinagar on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Shakeel

Suhail Bhat

Srinagar, Aug 17: Police today detained many Shi’ite mourners to thwart their repeated attempts to hold a Muharram procession at Srinagar’s commercial hub Lal Chowk.
In the early morning, Police and Central armed police forces used razor wire and other barricades to seal off Srinagar’s Lal Chowk, its surrounding neighborhoods, and other areas of the summer capital. The areas including Shaheed Gunj, Maisuma, Kothibagh, Krala Khud, Batamlooo were the most affected.
The mourners had previously emerged from Batamaloo, Shaheed Gunj, Abi Guzar and Dalgate areas of the city raising slogans and rhymes in celebration of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, who was martyred in the Battle of Karbala in October 680 (10 Muharram 61 Ah) along with 71 of his family members and companions. The mourners were marching to mark the 8th day of the 10-day Muharram mourning period.

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According to the eyewitness, the mourners resisted the police and marched on, only to be overpowered by the cops, bundled into police vans, and driven to the Shaheed Gunj and Kothi Bagh Police Stations. Police, however, have not officially confirmed the number of people detained.
Inspector-General of Police Kashmir, Vijay Kumar, said that they respect religious freedom but it is their responsibility to defeat vested interests. “We respect the religious sentiments and practices of all but at the same time it is also our joint responsibility to defeat the ill designs of vested interest who try to disturb the peaceful atmosphere,” he said.
Last month, Government approved a symbolic Muharram procession in Srinagar’s Lal Chowk area, which had not been held in the area for the past 30 years. A change in the administration’s policy, however, stipulated that the District Magistrates would make a decision after consulting with the police, the Health Department, and other stakeholders. Despite the gGovernment announcing that the “Muharram processions shall be celebrated as per past practice” the mourners were not allowed to march towards the city centre.
The Government imposed a ban on mourning rallies and processions along traditional routes in the Kashmir Valley on the 8th and 10th day of Muharram, primarily in Srinagar, due to the outbreak of militancy in 1989.
The use of small mourning rallies and processions were restricted to many Shia-populated areas, including Imaqm Baras and places where Muharram is traditionally observed.
Meanwhile, Police allegedly thrashed a group of journalists who were covering the Muharram procession at Jehangir Chowk in Srinagar.
The IGP Kashmir, Vijay Kumar said: “We respect the religious sentiments and practices of all but at the same time it is our joint responsibility to defeat the ill designs of vested interests who try to disturb the peaceful atmosphere.”
A Police spokesman said that in violation of the Government prohibitory orders against Muharram processions in District Srinagar, some people tried to take out processions in Civil Lines area while Police exercised maximum restraint and tried to disperse them peacefully.
“However, in a bid to take out procession on Gurubazar-Dalgate route a group assembled near Polo View and started manhandling the police personnel deployed on duties. The miscreants also tried to mount on the BP Rakshak vehicle of SDPO Kothibagh”, he said.
The spokesman said that despite, such provocation and hooliganism the Officer and his party exercised maximum restraint, while suddenly a group of miscreants armed with sharp edged weapons started vandalizing the police vehicle and also attacked SDPO Kothibagh. “In this incident, the police officer along with his escort personnel received multiple injuries and were shifted to hospital for treatment of their injuries”, the spokesman added.
The spokesman said that a case under relevant sections of law has been registered and investigation is in progress. “The miscreants involved are being identified and strict action as warranted under law will be taken against them”, the spokesman added.