Admn failed to provide basic facilities to people: NC leader

Admn failed to provide basic facilities to people: NC leader

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Jan 2: The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar today claimed that the Jammu and Kashmir administration has completely failed to provide basic facilities and essential services to people.
While interacting with a large number of people the NC leader said that the tyranny of non-local bureaucrats has proved fatal to the people here as they are constantly unable to perform their duties and responsibilities.
On the occasion, various delegation members also raise their issues with the NC leader.
Sagar directed the party functionaries to continue voicing public grievances at all appropriate forums for their speedy redressal.
Echoing the sentiments of visiting delegation members, Sagar said, “Although J&K admin has been making tall claims about ensuring a steady supply of basic utility services, the ground situation is completely contrary to such claims. Erratic power supply has particularly become the norm of the day. No schedule is being followed. It was claimed that a steady power supply will be ensured throughout the winter. Let alone ensuring the availability of power supply during winter, the Government is not able to ensure adequate power supply at the very onset of winter. People only receive hefty bills, but when it comes to ensuring adequate power supply, the Government turns volte-face.”
“All the claims of development and prosperity by the Government are smokescreen to hide their failures on every front,” he added.
The interaction was particularly marked up by threadbare discussions on shortage of electricity, ration crisis, prolonged power outages, inflation, unemployment and spur in drug menace.