Admn provides spot registration facilities for Amarnath Yatries

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 22 :  Deputy Commissioner, Jammu Simrandeep Singh today held a briefing session in connection with setting up of spot registration facility for Amarnath Yatra with officers and officials deployed for Amarnath Yatra duties.
During the meeting, the Deputy Commissioner informed that three registration centres have been set-up this year at Vaishnavi Dham, Saraswati Dham and Mahajan Sabha Community Hall near Ranbireshwar Temple with Jammu Haat centre being non-functional this year.
In lieu of Jammu Haat centre, another centre Sangam Banquet Hall (SRTC Hall) at Rail head has been made functional where tokens alongwith set of instructions would be issued to Yatries, which would be mandatory for their registration at designated centres.
The DC further informed that district administration has introduced token system, from a fourth centre, so that the limited quota of spot registration is transparently utilized and Yatries do not face unnecessary inconvenience.
Pertinent to mention here that the spot registration quota in the first two weeks of Yatra is always insufficient to cater to the demand of the yatries. The token system is therefore an attempt to provide an assurance to the Yatries regarding the date of their registration, the DC added.
The meeting was attended by Addl. District Dev. Commissioner, Addl. Deputy Commissioner, SDMs, Tehsildars, BDOs and other officials.