ADRM starts functioning at Jammu

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 9: The newly appointed Additional Divisional Railway Manager (ADRM),  AK Rana will start functioning at Jammu Station which has been declared as full ledged Railway Division by the Union Railway Ministry.
Divisional Traffic Manager, Northern Railways, Jammu Sudhir Kumar told the Excelsior that the office of ADRM, Railways will start  functioning at Jammu from February 10, 2016. He disclosed that new ADRM Mr Rana has already resumed his duties at Firozepur Division which is being bifurcated for the creation of new Railway Division at Jammu.
Mr Kumar further said that Mr Rana is arriving tomorrow in Jammu and he will start functioning in the old building complex at Railway Station till the new building is constructed. He further disclosed that the process of raising new infrastructure  has already commenced and work on the project has been expedited.
Another senior Railway official said that the Union Railway Ministry launched the work to create separate Railway Division in Jammu in December 2015.  The new Additional Divisional Railway Manager (ADRM)  was posted in second week of December to expedite the work of bifurcation of existing Firozpur Division in Punjab and supervise the entire process including raising much needed infrastructure for it.
With the placing of  D C Sharma as OSD (Officer on Special Duty) for the creation of new full fledged Jammu Railway Division, the process has already been set in motion by the Railways authorities but with the posting of AK Rana as ADRM  for Jammu, the work has been expedited on the project. A dedicated team of Northern Railways officials has already been constituted involving Divisional Railway Manager Firozpur, Anuj Parkash.
The official said that the process of bifurcation including shifting of some staff from Firozpur Division to Jammu Railway Division has commenced.  About 3000 to 3500 employees are being shifted to this new Railway Division at the initial stage.  A new large building with the estimated cost of Rs 125 crore is being constructed to house the Divisional Headquarters just closer to Jammu Railway Station. Mr Rana will operate from Jammu headquarters only and also coordinate with the Firozpur Division officials till Jammu Railway Division is made fully functional with the appointment of  new DRM. From April 2016, the new Jammu Railway Division is likely to made fully operational.