Advanced Forensic Science Laboratory in J&K-An Inescapable necessity

Advanced Forensic Science Laboratory in J&K-An Inescapable necessity

Prof (Dr) Dinesh Rao
The geographical location of Jammu & Kashmir with its close proximity to the International Border and three State Borders by itself make it sensitive with a large potential to Terror, Narco Terror, and Gun related Crimes. The possibility of involvement of criminals from different States and different Nations is always anticipated. This poses a major challenge to the Police and Defense Forces and the same has been well known.
The Forensic Evidence:
For a Vibrant Criminal Justice System, the Identification, Documentation & Retrieval of Evidence, Securing it and Analyzing in the Laboratory and Quick reporting is always essential for Efficient Investigation to achieve convictions. This is possible by well trained Crime Scene Officers who can Effectively process the Crime Scene so as to Identify, Document, Photograph, Retrieve & Transfer the Evidence materials to the Laboratory for Examination. A Secured Evidence Room is essential to store this Evidence materials. Adequate number of Crime scene Officers and necessary infrastructure and facility is always necessary.
Narco-Analysis, Brain Mapping & Polygraph:
An Important element in Investigation is the Information extracted from the suspect or the accused. It is well known fact that when dealing with organised criminals and motivated criminals [Terrorists and Naxals] such information is difficult to extract from the routine Police Techniques. Hence, Advanced Scientific Techniques are very essential to assist the Investigation, because timely information retrieval from the suspect or accused or conspirator can help prevent further crimes or prevent escape of the conspirators or hiding criminals and at time prevent further destruction of evidence. In the present system the Investigating Agencies have to wait for their turn in Gujarat Forensic Laboratory located thousands of Kilometers for their turn, until than months have elapsed besides the logistics involved in securing the Suspect or Accused and security measures involved in it are deterrents for the whole investigation process. This necessacitate regional Laboratory with infrastructure and facility to support this advanced Investigation techniques. This Investigation can be easily handled by a Senior Anesthetist, Forensic Medicine Expert, and Clinical Psychologist along with General physician at AIIMS wherein the services can be easily made available with the Institute.
Ballistic Laboratory
The rampant Gun Related Crimes also demands the importance of an effective and sophisticated Ballistic Laboratory. The Scientific Retrieval of Projectiles and its parts from the Crime Scene along with the Gun and analyzing the GSR [Gun Shot residues] from the suspect and materials are essential parts of investigation. The examination of the dead through Standard Autopsy Examination is necessary to help in the investigation. This type of scientific approach will not only help in confirming the involvement of the accused in the crime but also help the Investigators to Identify the Type of Gun involved in the Crime and explain the possibility of the Gun involved in crimes elsewhere in the World [IBIS-Integrated Ballistic information System Technology].
Unexplained & Sudden Deaths Investigation:
In the recent past & post COVID Era, there are many sudden unexplained deaths reported among children and in young adults without known co-morbidities. Hence, understanding the actual cause of death is essential both for the State and also to the surviving family members. Beside these untimely deaths in the young individuals is not only a major area of concern, result in many speculations and sometimes causing Law and Order Issues. Hence an Advanced & Sophisticated Death Investigation in a state of the Art Morgue consisting of Forensic Microbiology, Histopathology and a Genetic Laboratory [DNA Lab] to study the possible genetic Mutations[Molecular Autopsies] are vital to arrive at the cause of death. This DNA Lab also help in establishing Identity of the suspected and unidentified criminals, an important element in investigation. All this facilities should be easily available for efficient examination. The impact of such Investigations that are made available under one roof on is enormous and act as a major boon to the Death investigators and the State.
Drug & Toxicology Laboratory:
The recent spurt in the Substance Abuse cases and Narco Terror leading to seizures of banned substances necessitates establishment of a sophisticated Drug and Toxicology Laboratories, wherein, the samples are retrieved from the Patients [Drug Addicts] and Dead Bodies [Morgue] stored, transferred, examined and analyzed at the earliest possible time given the substance half Life and decimation involved in the process. This will help speedy identification of Drugs or Poisons thereby assisting the Investigation Agencies to prosecute the Suspect or the Accused. Hence a Sophisticated Drug & Toxicology Laboratory close to the Hospital or Morgue is the need of the hour to achieve the objectives.
Dead Body Management in Mass Disasters:
An important issue related with the region and its impact on surroundings is the possibility of Natural and Man Made Disasters. Adequate preparedness in terms of logistics and human resource is essential to handle the Dead i.e. a mechanism to Identify them and hand over to the Families. It is well known fact that in all such mass disasters the Handling of Dead is the least area addressed, thereby the Family will struggle to identify the near one and many a time there are storage issues leading to decomposition thereby further aggravating the identification process & transportation of the Dead, and sequentially delaying the handing over process.
Hence a standard and adequate preparedness to face such eventualities is essential given the Geographical location and known hostilities in the region.
State of the Art Morgue:
It is a well known fact that the Preservation of the Dead is essential for investigation process until its examination and handing over to the Family. Hence a well equipped morgue and Dissection Room is essential. The bodies can be stored for dissection purpose or pending tracing of the Family Members or Identity of the Victim. Hence the Morgue should have adequate facility to store for Short Term [3-4 Degrees] and long term [Freezing -15-20Degrees]. The Forensic examination of the Dead [Dissection Room] should be advanced for examination, documentation and retrieval of samples and its further examination. All this is possible by establishing a State of the Art Morgue.
AIIMS Forensic Institute- A One Stop Solution for the Investigating Agencies.
Considering all the above discussed circumstances and necessities, it is essential that the Union Territory is prepared to address the same by establishing a State of the Art Forensic Institute wherein all the services discussed above are made available under One Roof. This will be a One Point for the Investigation Agencies. This will help secure the evidence, examine the Evidences and at the same time analyze by different Scientific Laboratories available under One Roof. The Chain of custody is shortened and the Final report is made available early. This reduces the waiting period involved with the Narcoanalysis and DNA related examination that are deterrent to the present system of examination and Investigation. AIIMS Forensic Medicine Department is capable of handling such challenges by the existing Specialist Faculty members and with the support of the Government the AIIMS can establish a State-of-the-Art Forensic institute or collaborate with the proposed Government Forensic Institutes. AIIMS, Jammu in collaboration with the Union Territory of J&K and the Central Government can establish a State-of-the-Art Forensic Institute in the Region to cater to the needs of the Police and Defence Forces in their effort to fight the menace in the region. Such collaborations will set as unique example to the whole Nation and encourage other AIIMS and States/UTs, elsewhere in the Country to uphold effective Criminal Justice System.
(The author is Heading the Department of Forensic Medicine, AIIMS, Jammu.)