Advertising pioneers meet at ‘DAC Unplugged 2021’

DAC team during the event 'DAC Unplugged 2021' at Gurugram on Friday.
DAC team during the event 'DAC Unplugged 2021' at Gurugram on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 12: Delhi Advertising Club (DAC) today hosted the event ‘DAC Unplugged 2021’ at Cyber Hub, Gurugram, where the pioneers of advertising met.
The event was sponsored by Daily Excelsior and Hit 95 FM.
DAC is the pre-eminent body of advertising, brand communication and media professionals which provides a unique platform to all associated members to interact for knowledge sharing, networking and recognizing stellar talent.
Members of DAC missed the presence of Dr. H.S Paul who left for his heavenly abode on November 25 last year. He was also the ex-president of DAC, a well-known veteran in the media industry who will remain the guiding force forever.
In his absence, C.S Paul, son of Dr. H.S Paul, Delhi Bureau Chief of Daily Excelsior and also the Executive Committee Member of DAC extended full support to the event on behalf of Daily Excelsior.
The event was attended by media experts and advertising professionals from agencies like Group M, Omnicom Media Group, Havas Media, TLG India, Dentsu and many more.
The event was supported by DAC team comprising Raman Kumar Chugh, president; Gaurav Chopra, chief patron; Vijay Adlakha and Rakesh Jain, vice presidents; Naresh Sachdeva, secretary; Alok Gupta, joint secretary; Vipin Kharbanda, treasurer and Executive Committee Members-C.S Paul, Deepak Hiramath, Naresh Khetarpal, Vijay Kumar Chopra, Maninder Singh and Mukul Gupta.