Advisor, CS visit South Kashmir districts, review developmental scenario

Advisor K Vijay Kumar chairing a meeting in Pulwama on Monday.
Advisor K Vijay Kumar chairing a meeting in Pulwama on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Sept 10: To have first-hand appraisal of the developmental scenario and ensure on-spot redressal of public grievances, Advisor to Governor, K Vijay Kumar accompanied by Chief Secretary BVR Subrahmanyam today conducted extensive tour of south Kashmir districts of Kulgam, Shopian, Anantnag and Pulwama.
Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Baseer Ahmad Khan, ADGP Law and Order Muneer Ahmad Khan and IGP Kashmir S P Pani accompanied them.
At Kulgam, deputations from Khudwani, Qaimoo, Frisal, Demidulla, Havoora, Wanpora and other villages put forth their demands for redressal.
Locals of Khudwani demanded for establishment of health centre and protection bund near graveyard. A deputation of Qaimoo village requested for establishment of Degree College, up-gradation of girl’s high school, establishment of Mini Secretariat &MunsifCourt at Qaimoo, delegation from Frisal village demanded for establishment of Niabat, immediate start of work on approved degree college in Frisal and others.
The Advisor gave patient hearing to the deputations and assured them that their genuine demands will be looked into. He also passed on spot directions for redressal of various grievances and directed the officers to maintain close liaison with the local population for timely redressal of people’s issues.
On the occasion, Chief Secretary announced Rs 40 crore for augmentation of water supply schemes in the district.
At Shopian, K Vijay Kumar chaired a meeting to review the progress on implementation of key flagship programmes and schemes.
The Advisor directed the concerned executing agencies to complete the works under developmental schemes on top priority basis including constriction of Fruit Mandi at Shopian, District Hospital, Polytechnic College, Mini Secretariat Complex, Trenz-Sheikhpora Bridge, Reshnagri Bridge, Bijbehara-Shopian Road, Aglar-Shopian Road and other projects including Gujjar & Bakerwal Hostel, macdamization of main and inner roads.
Later, the Advisor met delegations of different areas of the district who apprised him of their concerns and demands.
K Vijay Kumar after giving patient hearing to the issues raised which includes macdamization of roads, protection of Irrigation Kuls, opening of Fire & Emergency Services centre, flood protection works, play fields, revenue complex at Zainapora, upgradation of High and Higher Secondary Schools etc.
At Anantnag, Advisor along with Chief Secretary, Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, ADGP and IGP Kashmir held a public durbar which was attended by large number of people hailing from Jablipora, Awarwani, Subhanpora, Hassanpora, Sangam, Sethar, Naiyana, Halmullah, Gundinasir, Loktipora & Ziripora. Besides, members of Auqaf Committee of Sangam and Youth Club of Ziripara also met with the Advisor along with their demands.
The demands raised by the representatives of these villages were regarding completion of water supply scheme, macdamization of inners roads, construction of lift irrigation scheme, dredging of nullahs, renovation of school buildings, deployment of medical staff at health facilities, construction of protection bunds on the banks of Veshoo nallah, release of pending 2014 flood relief, development of playfields and release of PMAY installments.
The Advisor offered a patient hearing to the demands of the people and assured them for proper action and redressal after due deliberations with concerned authorities in due course of time.
At the last leg of his tour, the Advisor visited district Pulwama where several public deputations apprised him about their issue and demands pertaining to the development of their respective areas.
Traders Federation Pulwama demanded construction of maternity hospital at Pulwama town for which 60 kanals of land is available at Sirnoo, release of pending payment for works at fruit mandi Pulwama, renovation of roads and beautification of Pulwama town.
The delegations from Achgoza, Bamnoo, Kakapora, Awantipora, Pampore, Khrew, Gangoo, Wuyan, Chandigam, Tahab, Achan, Abhama, Rajpora, Gusoo and Barsoo demanded improved road connectivity, establishment of degree college, upgradation of schools, playgrounds, establishment of grid stations, macdamization of roads, up-gradation of health centers in these areas.
Meanwhile, a delegation of industrialists from IGC Lassipora demanded revival of sick industries, development of IGC center and availability of medical facility for unit holders in the center.
The Advisor listened to the demands, issues patiently and assured for their resolution in timely manner.