Advisor Khan reviews functioning of School Education Deptt

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Sept 7: Advisor to Governor, Farooq Khan today chaired a meeting here to take stock of functioning of the School Education Department.
Director School Education Mohammad Younis Malik, all the Chief Education Officers of Kashmir Division, Principals of DIET, Field Officer Samagra Shiksha, Engineers of Education Department and other senior officers of Education Department attended the meeting.
During the meeting, Advisor impressed upon all Chief Education Officers to strengthen the Kindergartens (KGs) so that children coming out of these KGs become the foundation of a strong education system. He also advised the field officers to come up with the suggestions so that KGs will turn into centre of excellence.
On teachers transfer, Advisor said that all the inter-district transfers will be done at Directorate level. He stressed upon the field officers to ensure that the energy of young children is utilized in a positive way by involving them in sports and curricular activities. He said all the stakeholders should work with a missionary spirit so that children become ambassadors of peace and development.
The Advisor impressed upon the need to strengthen the SIE and DIETs and to ensure that the teacher training component is made fruitful and its impact should be felt at the ground level.
On strengthening the infrastructure, Advisor assured that Government will leave no stone unturned in developing a strong education system in Jammu and Kashmir. He said that one Model Primary School will be established in each district which will be having infrastructure as per modern needs. He said the teachers with best performance will be incentivized.
Later, Director School Education gave a detailed presentation about the functioning of various components of the Directorate.