Advisor Skandan takes stock of people’s grievances

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Mar 25: Advisor to Governor, K Skandan today listened to people’s issues at a public grievances redressal camp.
During the camp, Advisor Skandan met several public delegations and individuals who apprised him about their issues and demands.
Around 20 delegations and individuals apprised the Advisor about their issues and sought his intervention to ensure time-bound redressal of their grievances.
Director of Rural Develop-ment Department, Director Agriculture, Director Horticu-lture, RTO Kashmir, MD JK Cements, General Manager JK SRTC, Manager JK Industries, Joint Director JK Industries, and several officers of the Governor’s Grievance Cell were present on the occasion.
A delegation of ADEOs of Rural Development Department who met Advisor informed that they are serving in the department on contractual basis and their contract has ended or is about to end. They requested the Advisor for extension of their contractual services so that their livelihood is not hampered.
A delegation from HMT factory informed the Advisor about the pending compensation for the land taken by Government many years ago and also informed him that they are not getting the rent. They requested him to intervene in the matter and help them to get the proper compensation.
Another delegation of JKSRTC workers informed the Advisor about various issues with regards to better functioning of JKSRTC. They requested the Advisor to intervene in getting back their assets which have been occupied by other departments. They also demanded regularization of consolidate employees.
A delegation of Fruit Traders Association from Pulwama requested the Advisor to release the pending 20% of amount for the land sold to the state.
Among the other delegations which apprised the Advisor Skandan regarding their issues included Sarpanchs from Beerwah, Girdawars, Horticul-ture officers, dropout daily workers of Agriculture Department, Public Sector employees and workers, JK Cement Association and others. Besides, various individuals from various parts of Kashmir also appraised Advisor Skandan about their issues.
During the public hearing, the Advisor gave a patient hearing to the delegations and assured them early redressal.